Violence isn't the answer!

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(slight spoilers- based off from chapter 105-106)

After the incident with me hearing my so-called nii-san's voice, he's been visiting me every so often, he tries to get me to tell him about my past, but I'm not sure if I remember it yet..or even if i'll remember it at all in general.

He did sound like my brother, but I tend to hallucinate a it was probably my mind playing tricks on me again.

"Tokito-san, psst! Tokito-san"

Please stop talking, it's getting annoying..

He grabs my hand and squeezes it again.  He does this to make sure I'm listening.

I glance up on him, but I'm too lazy to shove his hand away so I just let him hold it till he realizes that he's still holding my hand. (kinda sus..)

"Tokito-san, if you want to be able to remember things, you have to listen to other people when they're speaking, otherwise it'll just slip your mind."

"I'm fine with the way I am."

He sighs but continues,

"We can try again another time, but for now. I must go eat lunch, don't forget to eat lunch Tokito-san."

"yes yes."

He waves to me and leaves. That kid- needs to just stop..I was hallucinating that day, I don't have a brother nor a family.


"I won't give it to you kid! This key is special! You bone-head can't have it!"

"Look kid, I'm a hashira, and your wasting my time. So either hand over the key, or it'll get rough"

"I won't hand it ov-"

I slap him, slowly getting angry, this little bitch is wasting my time.

"No matter how many times you hurt me! I won't! hand! it! OVER!"

I growl before raising my hand again, I was just about to strike, but a harsh grip on my wrist prevents me from doing anything.

"Tokito-san, you shouldn't resort to violence."

"What do you know boy."

"I know a lot of things, but violence isn't one."

"You are a lower class, you know nothing"

I karate chop near his neck making him pass out.

"the key."

"I'm not asking again little brat. Give me the key. Now."

He hands over the key in fear and I walk away to whatever this kid was talking about.


my body slowly comes back into consciousness and i walked up in a confused state. i gasp for air as i try to take in my surroundings.

"Wh-what just happened! Where's Tokito-san?"

A kid holds me back down before saying,

"The kelphead is practicing with the doll my ancestors made.  He's going at it, he's going to break it very soon but I can't stop him.  He's just..too scary.."

I pat the kid on the head.

"Tokito-san isn't scar-"

"Call him a kelphead, tell him he's mean and dumb, and ruthless!"

"I-I can't do that! That would be too rude of me!"

"Do i! He's mean! And a kelphead!"

I do my best to calm the kid down but he's been at it, calling Tokito-san a helphead for 6 minutes now.

the desire to remember you (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now