First Day

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Loki's POV

I wake up super unexcited about what is happening today. I get out of bed and start to get ready for my final first day at my "new college". My college had been granted some funding, so they felt it was necessary to stop all enrollments and remodel the school right now. Everyone attending had to be transferred to the nearest colleges. Its finally senior year and i'm unexcited but not worried because I don't have friends and never will. I prefer to be alone and ride solo, but I can never escape my obnoxious brother, Thor. I go downstairs to get something to eat and notice Thor isn't even up yet. Of course he isn't up. He's 23, 6'4, 230lbs and a huge waste of space. Much taller than I am, being that I'm only 6 feet tall and 160 lbs. He's so irresponsible and I've been babysitting him since we were younger. I have no idea how he even managed to make through college this far. I immediately run upstairs to wake him up before he makes us late and when I barge through the door I walk in on him and his girlfriend Jane, having sex. Of course she slept over last night. Why wouldn't she? She has no morals or self respect because if she did she would've left my brother. They've been dating for over 5 years and he's slept with every girl on campus within those years. They both stop and stare at me. I stare at them. "Morning Brother. You can join in if you'd like." Thor says. I close the door and scream "I'm leaving in 5!"

We arrive at school and the first thing I see are groups of people with their friends, chatting, laughing, and having a good time. But my eye stops on someone in particular. A brunette with brown eyes, surrounded by girls. He's very handsome and I can tell he works out. I'm not gay or anything so I have no idea why I'm checking him out. I can feel there's just something about him. He seems "unreadable". And usually I'm able to read everyone. I get out of the car, grab my bag and go to get my classroom schedule from the office. I hate socializing with people so I'm walking with my head down trying to keep a low profile when suddenly I bump into someone and we both fall to the ground. I look up and it's the brunette. His face is so symmetrical with the most beautiful features I've seen on anyone. I don't know why but I can't stop staring at him. "Hello!!" I snap out of it and realize it's the brunette talking as he's getting himself up. "Hello! Earth to Moron! Watch where you're going!" He says. "I'm sorry." I say. "You better be, this suit cost more than your college tuition." He says. The girls around him start to laugh. "Good one tony" says a pretty petite blonde as she kisses him. I presume she's his girlfriend. I get up and quickly walk inside trying to save myself from any more embarrassment. "Oh okay. His name is Tony." I think to myself. "Why was he so mean?" "Why was he so attractive" "Wouldn't I like to be kissing Tony" Why was I thinking these things and how do I stop?

I get to my first class and guess who walks in. If it isn't the brunette himself. Tony. As he walks in all the girls stare as he winks at them. "Oh great another womanizer. I whispered under my breath and rolled my eyes. "I know right." I snap my head around feeling a bit unsettled that someone heard me. I see a beautiful woman with light brown hair sitting next to me smiling. "He's also a real douchebag but super smart, rich, funny, and does it well. He's genius billionaires, Howard Starks son, Tony Stark. I'm Valkyrie by the way" she says holding her hand out. I shake her and and say "I'm Loki" "Loki! That's bad ass name!" she says. "Thanks." I say with a smirk. "So Howard Starks son? What else do you know about him?" I ask. "I know he has slept around but has a girlfriend named pepper. They both sleep around though so it's okay. He's at the top of the entire Senior class and has been since freshman year. He a total ass and is super cocky." She says. I just nod my head in understanding while looking back at Tony across the room. "Oh I get it." She says laughing. "You're interested." "Interested? No. I'm not gay. I was just trying to find out who he was because everyone literally swoons when he walks down the hall. I bumped into him a few minutes ago and wanted to apologize again." I say sheepishly. "Okay" she says hitting my arm and winking. Hinting that she doesn't believe me. But it was the truth wasn't it? I mean why else would I want to talk to him? He's an ass and I've already witnessed it when I bumped into him. Plus he has a girlfriend and I'm not gay.

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