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Loki's POV

A few months have went by and the last time I spoke to Tony was when we worked on our project and we finished it. We got an A on it of course but after that finished that was it. I don't speak to him and he doesn't speak to me. I haven't seen Pepper and him hang out much lately either. Maybe they're focusing on school and they hangout at home. I don't know. I actually kind of don't care though either. Meanwhile Valkyrie has been living with me and it's been wonderful. We have been in a relationship all this time and it couldn't be better. She makes me so happy and I hope that I make her happy. I of course I have feelings for her. She's the first person I've ever had sex with. That's how comfortable I am around her. I just don't know if it's love and I think I'm ready for love. But still, I can't help but wonder what it would be like if  Tony and I would have actually been something. I still think about him a lot and I feel guilty about it because I'm with Valkyrie. But there's still a part of me that has feelings for Tony and it hurts a little bit not being able to talk to him. On the brighter side, Our school Homecoming is coming up in a couple of weeks and although Valkyrie and I are dating, I want to ask her. This would be my first time going and it's senior year, I think it's about time. It's lunch time and we usually sit outside by ourselves which I actually enjoy so it will be perfect. "Hey." "Hi." She says hugging me. We both sit down on the grass facing each other. "So. How's your day going?" I ask. "Pretty good I feel like I definitely aced my physics test." "That's terrific. And hey I was wondering if you wanted to go to Homecoming? I think it would be fun." I say. She finishes chewing her sand which and then says, "I'm not going to the dance. I never have and I'm not even slightly interested in it." My heart dropped a little. "Seriously? Not even with me?" I say. "No offense, but I'm not really into the school dance scene." She says. "Okay." I say. I put my head down. We finish our lunch in silence because I can't think of anything to say to her right now. This is a first. We have been doing everything together lately and to be honest I am kind of offended. I thought that she would at least make an exception and go with me. "I'm not into the school dance scene either but it's senior year and I think it would be fun to go with you." I say. "Loki. I don't want to go. Please don't force me or guilt me into it. You can go and you can have fun for the both of us." She says. "Okay." I say. I go back to being silent because at this point I'm kind of annoyed. The rest of lunch goes by and neither of us talk at all. She doesn't even try to start a conversation. When it's time to go to class we say our goodbyes and that's all.

-Valkyrie's POV

For a few days I've been feeling bad about denying telling Loki that I didn't want to go to the dance. It's just I'm not very into social settings. I love being by myself or being with people I'm comfortable around. But I've come up with a plan. Loki already bought his ticket so I'm going to buy mine and I'm going to surprise him at the dance. I know he doesn't have any friends and I don't want him to go alone. Since we live together now it will be a little hard to keep it from him. I'll have to hide my dress and shoes underneath my other clothes in my closet. I've noticed Loki has been kind of distant lately. He usually is like that when something is bothering him. I know what's bothering him, the fact that I won't go to the dance. But I'll make it up to him when I surprise him. That's a promise.


There's a new kid in my class and I'm a little confused because people usually don't show up in the middle of the school year. He's tall, has light brown eyes, and is very muscular I can tell he works out. Very different from Loki if I'm being honest. He's almost like Thors bother just a different ethnicity. The teacher introduced him as Heimdall. He's very good looking but I try not to pay attention to him in that way because I'm with Loki. If I'm being honest I'm not sure if Loki is even into me anymore. I feel like he's separating himself from me. I'm hoping that at the dance I can make it up to him because I feel like he's still mad at me.

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