I'm in love with you

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Tony's POV

Today's the day of the Homecoming dance and I think today is THE day that I tell Loki how I feel about him. He told me he wanted to be friends, but that was when we first started talking again. I hope he feels the same as I do. At this point, I'm ready to come out to everyone. Loki and I have been talking and hanging out more than ever and it feels so surreal. We went from not talking at all to hanging out everyday. He told me about the fight between him and Valkyrie. He also told me about what she said to him about me. I didn't know anyone noticed the way Loki makes me feel when I'm around him. I broke up with Pepper because she's clueless first off and I realized I didn't even have feelings for her. I was obsessed with being with her so that she can make me feel like I'm who my father wants me to be. Straight. Pepper was a nice person but I'm tired of sleeping around and I'm ready for a commitment. I've bought a brand new suit but it looks really simple. I noticed that Loki likes the simpler things. Hopefully this will impress him. Although I never asked Loki to go to the dance with me, I hope I'll be able to get a special dance with him.


I went to the lab before I came because I had the A.I. That we created, Jarvis, make custom green and black roses. I know green and black are his favorite colors and he loves roses. When I walk into building where our dance is being held and the first person I see is Pepper. Not really who I wanted to see right now but whatever. "Tony!" She says. She runs up to me and gives me a hug. "Hey Pep. How's it going?" I say. "It's alright. I miss you Tony." She says. And there it is. I knew this was coming. I told Pepper the reason we broke up was because I was too busy to have a girlfriend. Not the greatest excuse but it worked. She doesn't know yet that it's because I want to be with Loki. I can't keep pretending with Pepper. Everything was good at first but in my heart I feel it's not meant to be. She snatches the flowers out of my hand and says. "Oh my gosh are these for me? They're a little ugly but that's okay I forgive you." I take them back and say, "No they're not. Look Pepper I still don't have time for a relationship right now. With things I'm helping my dad build in the lab, the school work, the projects, and the senior year activities, there's just no time. I'm sorry." I say. She looks slightly annoyed but puts on a smile trying to hide it. "Maybe you just need to be reminded of how good I am." She says. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. "Really Tony?" I hear. I pull away from her and wipe my lips in disgust. It's Loki. Of course at this moment when something wrong is happening he shows up. He looks... I can't even describe it... incredible if you will. I look him up and down and I absolutely love what I see. He's wearing an all black suit with a dark green tie. His hair is slicked back and he's wearing black shoes. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I feel anxious. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. You lied to me again! But no more! You will have no more chances. Stay away from me." He says. I can see tears form inside of his eyes then he storms off. I go after him because I really need to explain to him what happened. I'm tired of all of these misunderstandings and I want to be understood finally. He walks all the way outside and so do I. I finally catch up to him and I grab his arm and say, "Loki wait. It's really not what you think." "Why isn't it? I walk in and you and Pepper are kissing. What else could it be?" He says. He's very hurt and I know because I can hear, feel and see it. I remember feeling that way the first time when I had to make Loki and Pepper believe I was just leading him on. "Okay. Yes Me and Pepper were kissing but-." "I knew it." He says cutting me off. "But if you would just listen I-." "Save it. I don't want to hear it." He says. "Damn it Loki listen!" I say. "Why should I all you ever do is lie?" This isn't how I planned on having the truth come out but I really don't have a choice at this moment. It's either this or apparently lose him forever. "Because I'm in love with you." I say. He pauses. Oh my gosh I'm super nervous. I can feel my stomach drop as soon as the words left my lips. If he reacts negatively or says he doesn't feel the same way I'm literally going to cry. I feel like this is my last chance at happiness. "Wh- what did you say?" "I said I'm in love with you. I really need you to say something back because I'm crumbling under the suspense." I say in a joking way but I'm actually serious. "Oh here." I give Loki the roses that I brought for him and a bracelet that I made. It has letters on it that say "Tony <3 Loki" I made it a while ago and I've kept it hidden in my locker. I nearly forgot about it. He looks at the flowers and puts on the bracelet. Then he puts his hand over his heart. He cries. I start to tear up seeing this. I don't know if he's hurt or happy. "Tony." He says. "These are the nicest things someone has given me, and I've never felt love before until now. I'm in love with you too." He says. I let out a sigh of relief. I feel like I've been holding my breath because I wasn't sure how this was going to go. "Oh my gosh." I say smiling. I grab his hand and kiss it. Then I kiss him. This kiss feels better than the other one. It feels real. It doesn't feel rushed or scared.


Valkyries POV

When I finally arrive at the homecoming dance, I try to look for Loki. Even though we're not together I still miss him and I would love for us to go back to how we were. I feel like I should have just been honest with him and told him that I was coming to the dance. I feel like it's my fault that we broke up. I told Loki that he was right and the feelings kind of weren't there anymore but I lied. I was arguing with him so much because I was insecure and felt like Tony was taking him away from me. This time, I'm being honest with myself and him. But it still hurts to think that Loki broke up with me so easily. I thought he was my "meant to be." Person. I thought he was the one I was going to graduate college with and we would get married and stuff. But with Tony around I should have know I wouldn't have had a chance. I think my biggest mistake was letting Tony get in my head. Maybe Loki wasn't the one for me after all and I was so in my head that it made me delusional. I don't know. I'm still looking for Loki when someone walks out of the door and I get a glimpse of Tony and Loki outside. They look like they're having a serious talk. I walk towards the door to go surprise Loki then I stop. I watch as Tony gives Loki the flowers and what looks like a bracelet. I watch and hear the exchanges of the "I live you's." My heart sinks. I guess I'm too late. Maybe if I came five minutes later this could've been avoided. But if they're in love then it wouldn't have been avoided. They would have found each other anyways. I know that they are passionate about each other because both of them aren't really comfortable with opening up about their feelings. Watching them makes me feel like maybe I won't ever find "the one." But I'm still young so I won't lose hope. "Hey." I turn around to see the new guy. Heimdall. "Hey." I say. I try to hold back my tears that are forming in my eyes from being sad about losing Loki, but happy for Tony and him at the same time. "Are you alright?" He asks. "I am now." I say forcing a smile on my face. "I just came over to see if you wanted to dance with me. I've been trying to work up the courage to talk to you for a few weeks. You're really beautiful." He says. "Thank you. And I would love to." I say.


Loki's POV

I can not believe what Tony just said to me. I can't believe that I said it back. Do I really love him? I mean after everything we've been through this year and we always seem to reconnect, I really feel like I do love him. I feel like I'm on top of the world when I'm with him. I want to make him happy and I feel like he wants the same thing. The only things  I'm worried about are how is everyone going to react and if I'm ready to come out. I want to be with Tony and I don't want our love to be a secret. "Tony?" I say. "I don't want to ruin the moment, but what's next for us?" "Well, Ive been thinking about coming out. To everyone. Even my father. I know he'll be the hardest but I've got so much money saved from working with him in the lab, that if he doesn't accept me and things get... difficult, then I can move out and be on my own." He says. That sounds nice but I don't exactly have money saved up and if my father did kick me out I'm sure he wouldn't let Valkyrie stay neither. "I don't think I'm ready to come out yet." I say. "Whenever you're ready." He says. I realize that this is one of the reasons why I love Tony. He's so understanding and compassionate. He's not rushing me into this and I completely appreciate it. Tony and I decide to skip the dance and go for a walk. We hold hands as we're walking and we get to a beautiful park. It's so peaceful and there's almost nobody there. We stand there just looking into each other's eyes and enjoying each other presence. It was at this moment I knew, that I'd risk it all for him.

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