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Valkyrie's POV

It's finally lunch time and I'm starving. The first thing I do is scan the room for Loki. I want to get to him before Tony does. It feels like I'm in some kind of movie. Having to compete for a guy? Seriously? Maybe I should talk to Tony and tell him to back off. Hell no. I'll never talk to Tony. When I finally spot him he's sitting alone at a table. Perfect. I walk over to him and sit down. "Hey how's your first day going?" I say smiling. "Uh. What's the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah, confusing." "Confusing?" I ask. "How come? Oh I know because you have a crush on Tony and don't know it. It's okay I get it. Everyone always thinks they have a crush on Tony and they end up wrong because Tony just wants to take them to bed." I say. It's kind of mean for me to say, but at this point I want him to realize Tony is a player and he doesn't need to be focused on him. "So uh yeah. Tony's coming to my house." He says reluctantly. "Wow you move fast." I say. I'm trying to make it sound like a joke but In reality I'm kind of annoyed. Did Tony really take another guy away from me? " No it's not like that. He's just coming over for a project that's due next week in our CS&E class." "Oh thank God. I- I mean, oh okay." I'm trying not to sound too happy. "So since you're 'Not Gay'" I say with air quotes. "Would you maybe want to hang out sometime this week. Since we're like friends or whatever maybe we can like study for class or play video games or something. I mean only if you want to though." Loki just looks at me and then smiles and says. "Sure. Why not? Yeah me and you are friends and I know my Father would love for me to get out of the house, plus anything to get away from my brother." "You have a brother?" "Yes, and speaking of, here he is." Loki's brother walks up to the table. Wow. He looks nothing like Loki. He's so tall and buff, and a blonde. I'm totally confused right now. "He's my adopted brother" Loki says. "Ohhhh. Sup I'm Valkyrie." I say to him. "Pleasure to meet you, I am Thor." He says giving me a handshake that nearly breaks my arm. "Cool okay we're all acquainted now. You can leave." Loki says trying to push him away. "Wait a second brother I came to tell you that our father is working late today and Jane and I need the house. To ourselves if you know what I mean." Me and Loki look at each other and then back at Thor. "Okay." Loki says. "Great." Thor says. "That will give you chance to get to know this gorgeous young lady here and finally get a girlfriend. Or if you don't want a girlfriend and you just want to 'get some' I don't blame you." "Stop talking." Loki says as he's turning red. I start to laugh. "Goodbye now brother." Loki is pushing him away from the table now urging him to leave. "Well okay you two have a nice day." Thor says waving. "Wow. That couldn't have gone any better." I say laughing. "He has quite the charm. A real ladies man." "I'm sorry about that. I want you to know I'm not just hanging out with you to 'get some'." Loki says. "Oh I know." I say. "Here put your number in" I hand Loki my phone and he puts his number in. "Great. And if you were trying to 'get some' I'd be totally okay with it." I say winking. I get up from the table to throw away my food and I watch as Loki sits at the table blushing from what I jus said. Got him.


I'm not really one for expressing my feelings or validating them, but Loki makes me feel things. I don't know what they are. As I'm starting to get to know Loki a little better, I notice he's kind of awkward. He's super shy but confident. But I like when I make him laugh and I get to see his smile. He always looks down when he smiles too. It's so cute. It kind of bothers me that Tony and him are partners. I hope Tony just wants to sleep with him. I know Loki isn't the type to just sleep around. So that way Loki can know Tony's true intentions and have to move on.... To me. I don't want to seem desperate because I'm not. It just feels like this is different. The only thing in my way is Tony.


Loki's POV

Once school is over I try to think of what to do next. I can't go home and trust me, with Jane there, I don't want to. How are Tony and I supposed to start our project now? Maybe we could go to his place? But he's the billionaires son. They live in the huge tower downtown. With his father being a billionaire and Tony being a total playboy, I'm not sure that's the best decision. I'm thinking. Okay I've got it. I whip out my phone and grab my notebook out of my bag. I go to where Tony wrote his number and I felt my body heat up. Just looking at his name and number in my notebook did something to me. I started to feel hot. I try to ignore it and just put the number in my phone. Should I call him? Or text him? Considering my 'no talking' history. I feel like I should text him. I don't want to call him and then hear his voice and freeze. I text him:

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