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Valkyrie's POV

When I pull into my driveway, I see Loki sitting by my front door. "What are you doing here?" I ask as I get out of my car. "Didn't see you at lunch I thought maybe you went home sick or something." "I just came because- we'll I- I just wanted to hang out. After the last time I left things awkward and after the note you gave me in class I wanted to clear things up." He says. "Oh alright. Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." "I'm fine it's just my allergies. Around this time it makes my eyes swell up a little." "Okay." I say, shrugging my shoulders. I know he's lying but I don't want to push him. I'm getting a sad vibe and if he's sad then I'm sad. I don't like seeing him like this.


We go inside and I immediately ask him what's wrong. "I've just been thinking about how we left off. I felt really bad. I want you to know you're not my 'back up or my second choice.' You're a good person and I really treasure you." He says. "That really means a lot to me, thank you." I say. "Can I ask you something? How come you kissed me?" He asks. I start to feel a little uncertain. Why is he asking me this, does he not feel the same way? Well, I'll never know if I never try. "It's because I like you. Like I genuinely have feelings for you and I just thought maybe you had them for me too. We talked for hours, got to know each other, laughed and we were vibing. I thought I'd just go for it. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable but you kissed back." I say. I need to know what's going on between us because I don't want my heat broken again especially because of Tony. "You're right I did kiss back. And I didn't know you felt that way about me. I realize all this time I've been going after the wrong person. I'm sorry I didn't see what was right in front of me." He says putting his head down. "It's okay. It really is. I can't make you feel anything so blaming yourself isn't going to make it better." I put my hand on his face and lift his head up. His eyes are so beautiful. His face is alluring. I could stare at it all day. I feel butterflies in my stomach and I'm getting the same vibe I felt the last time. I want to kiss him again but I'm still unsure about how he's feeling. Then he grabs my face and kisses me. The kiss feels so passionate and is escalating. I put my arms around him and it went from a nice kiss to wildly making out. We come down into the couch and now he's on top of me. I take his shirt off and he takes off mine. He reaches for my pants but I stop him and say, "Wait. I'm still a Virgin." "So am I." He says. "Well are you sure about this?" "I am." He says smiling. We go back to making out.


Loki's POV

I wake up the in morning confused about where I am. I realize I'm still at Valkyrie's house because she's laying on my chest. We don't have any clothes on... I can't believe that we- That I- oh my gosh. We really- I feel happy. I'm happy because if it was going to be anyone else, I'd rather it be Valkyrie and let me just say it was not a disappointment. I was so comfortable with her last night obviously if this happened. I don't know what came over me. When I came over here, I didn't expect for anything to happen at all. I came just to be around someone I could trust. Now I know I trust her a lot. Then someone comes through her front door and Valkyrie wakes up. I'm guessing it's her mom, because she looks just like an older version of her. "What the f*ck is going on here?" Her mom screams. Valkyrie jumps up with the blanket wrapped around her. I jump up and start putting my clothes on. "I knew you were a f*cking slut Valkyrie." "I'm not. This is literally the first boy I've brought over, and for this very reason. You're always drunk!" "Don't you dare talk to me like that" her mom says raising her hand. I step in front of Valkyrie. I'm not going to let her mom hit her. Just by reading this situation I can tell this happens all the time. I feel the need to protect her. I don't like when the people I care about are hurt. "Get out of my house." Her mom says. I grab my bag and head towards the door. "You too." She adds. "What?" "You heard me. Since you want to be a slut go be one somewhere else. Not in my house. You are the biggest disappointment!" Her mom says. "But where will I go?" "I don't know but I want you out. NOW!" Her mom starts yelling at her and picks up a wine glass and throws it at her. It misses her head by an inch. That's when I step back in. "ENOUGH!" I scream. "Valkyrie you can come live with me." I tell her. "My father is never home and Thor is too busy with Jane to care." "I don't care where you go, I just want you gone." Her mom says walking into a room in the back. Valkyrie falls to the floor and starts crying. "I hate her. I hate myself. I hate this and this is embarrassing. I never wanted you to see this or even know about it. Like she said I'm a disappointment." "Hey don't say that you hate yourself. You're way more than this situation. And it's alright everyone has problems at home. No family is perfect. So get up and get dressed. Pack whatever you need to and I'll wait for right here for you." I say. "Okay." She wipes her face and gets up.

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