No touchy please.

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Loki's POV

I immediately back off of Tony. Tony and I can't take our eyes off of pepper. She looks angry, sad, and confused all at the same time. "Really Tony? How could you do this to me? You're really going to break up with me for this freak? I didn't even know you were into guys? Do you know how embarrassing this is? 'Tony breaks up with pepper over a guy' Everyone's gonna say I made you turn gay." "Pepper it's not what you think it is." Tony says. I look at Tony and say, "Then what is it?" "Yeah what is it Tony?" Pepper asks. "It's nothing." Tony says. "I was just messing around." "What?" Pepper and I say simultaneously. "Yeah I was just messing with him. I wanted him to think he really had a chance and now maybe he can get over it." I feel my heart shatter in my chest. My eyes start to water. I feel my face turn red from embarrassment. What was the point of this? Why does he keep doing this? I turn around to leave. "Wait." Tony says grabbing my arm. "Don't touch me." I say snatching my arm away from him.

Tony's POV

I feel so close to Loki right now. I really put my heart out on my sleeve for him and I hope he feels the same way. Watching him talk about me, I can see he's really not used to this and he's just as cautious as I am. He's y'all so much and at this point I can't control myself. I pull him in and kiss him. The kiss feels passionate and warm. I tell him I'm going to break up with pepper because at this point I am. I'm tired of the open relationship that Pepper and I have. The thing is how am I going to tell her that I'm breaking up with her for a guy? No one actually knows that I'm Bisexual except for Valkyrie. Valkyrie and I used to be best friends until i slept with her boyfriend. Yes. I slept with her boyfriend. We were at a party and we were drunk but I still knew what I was doing because I was upset with Valkyrie. I wanted to hurt her intentionally. Don't ask why but I was. I don't even remember the reason why that's why,  the whole thing was so stupid. Even though we aren't friends anymore, Valkyrie has still kept my secret that even Pepper doesn't know about and I appreciate that. All the guys I've slept with I paid them to keep the secret. They have all been on the low. Everything feels so right. I feel like Loki is who I am supposed to be with. We jus met but this is one of those things that when you know, you know. When I tell him I'm going to break up with Pepper, pepper is standing by the door and startled me. I'm panicking in this moment because this isn't the way I wanted her to find out. I don't want anyone to know right now, especially my dad. I can't think of any other way to cover this up so I do what I always do. I panic and become an asshole. As much as this hurts me I really can't tell Pepper my secret right now. "Yeah I was just messing with him.i wanted him to think he really had a chance and now maybe he can get over it." It hurts so much to say this about Loki. I'm not messing with him and I don't want him to get over it. This is the only way and Pepper is so gullible she'll believe this bullsh*t a** story. I see Loki's face drop so quickly. I feel terrible. I can tell his heart broke into a million pieces. And so did mine but I had to keep up this act. He starts to walk away but I want to apologize to him so I grab him but he says, "Don't touch me." And yanks away from me. He walks out and I feel like crying. Pepper then rushes over to me and hugs me. "Thank God you weren't serious. I really thought you were leaving me for that pale weirdo." She says kissing me.


Loki's POV

I go to the restroom and into a stall. I cry. I don't know why and I never cry but I do. I feel like my heart can't take anymore. Especially of being played with by a man named Tony Stark. Gosh I hate him. It hate him so much. Why did he have to do that? I'm missing out on lunch but I don't care I'm not hungry. I have no appetite right now with my heart feeling this hurt. I don't want to talk to anyone. Not even Valkyrie. I don't even want to go to class or anything. I feel like I have to leave. Because if I see tony again I don't know what I'm going to do. I decide to not go to my last classes. I leave the restroom and then leave school. I leave the car there so that Thor can get home and I just go walking. I need to clear my head anyways. I don't know where I'm going but that's alright. I decide there's only one place I can go. To Valkyrie's house. She's not there but I'll sit on the steps and wait for her. I really don't want to keep coming to her with my problems but who else can I trust? In the mean time I have time to clear my head and calm down. As I'm walking I get texts from Tony.

Tony: Loki, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I haven't come out to pepper yet and I needed a cover story. I'm really sorry.

Tony: I hope you can forgive me new kid ;)

He really thinks he can text me some lame excuse and it will be alright? I'm not falling for it again. I'm tired of going around in circles. It's never ending.

Me: fu*k off. Lose my number and don't ever contact me ever again.

Me: don't talk to me. I don't want to hear from you. Only for us to work on our project and that's it.

Me: I can't believe you just tried to sell me that lame excuse. Bye Tony.

Tony: it's not an excuse it's not. I promise it's not. It's the truth. Please don't do this. I really care about you and this is hurting me more than it's hurting you.

Me: whatever goodbye. If you text me again I'm blocking your number.

Tony: Alright. If this is how it has to be :(

I blocked Tony's number and I'm crying all over again. That was so hard to do. As much as I want to forgive him, I don't know how much more my heart can take. This is why I don't like feelings.

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