Settling In

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"Esme, help your brother set up his room!" I heard my mom's voice from downstairs and rolled my eyes as I got up from my bed. We'd moved into this house only this morning, and my new room was already furnished and clean. My brother had decided that making sure our new basement was video-game worthy was more important. I stomped down the stairs and to my brother's room. It was the only bedroom downstairs, and since I was older than 14 year old Eric, I was able to claim the upstairs bedroom before him. Mom and Dad got the master bedroom, of course, and I got the next biggest. I helped Eric set up his bed and dressers, and all the other junk he had before he turned to me and said, "We should go out to explore our new neighborhood." It seemed like a good idea, so I decided why not. I got on my shoes and hoodie, and me and Eric went out. He rode his skateboard, zooming on ahead of me as I walked out into the evening. The neighborhood seemed nice enough. I leaned on the back of my car, or rather the one that my parents let me use. Just then, I heard a meow, and looked down to see a black cat approaching me slowly. "Hello kitty!" I cooed as I crouched. The cat purred and rubbed its head into my hand, and I smiled. I wondered who's cat this was. As I thought this, I heard a voice call, "Midnight!" I looked around, and at the house next door, which was also the last house on the block. There was a guy around my age there, with brown hair and a small moustache, and a shirt that had the words, Quiet Wave across the front. "This the Midnight you're looking for?" I called out, while still petting the cat. The guy looked over, and nodded as he walked over to me. I stood up, while picking up Midnight. I handed the cat over as the guy spoke. "Thank you, I was hoping she hadn't gone too far." He nuzzled Midnight, then looked at me. "I'm guessing you just moved in?" I nodded. "Nice, I'm Bailey." He stuck out his hand that wasn't holding Midnight, and I shook it. "Esme." I said with a smile. "And your cat is super cute by the way." I added. Bailey smiled while shaking his head. "She's not mine. She's my roomate's. One of them anyway." He looked back at his house. "Hold up, I'll let you meet them." I nodded and Bailey went back to his house.
A few moments later, he reappeared with two other guys. One was wearing a bright red hoodie that had the word Beast on it, with a small goatee and messy brown hair. The other had brown hair with a hint of yellow, and no facial hair. Bailey introduced the yellow-haired first. "This is Karl," he said, "and this is Ethan." He motioned to the one with the goatee. I nodded, repeating my name and shaking hands with both of them. "So we're your next door neighbors." Bailey finished the introduction. I nodded and looked around. My brother was just rounding the corner onto our street, and he veered onto our driveway and stopped short of me and the boys. "We've been living here for a day and you're already talking to guys?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes. "Eric, these are our neighbors Bailey, Ethan, and Karl." I said. Turning to the boys I said, "This is Eric, AKA my annoying younger brother." They chuckled at this as Eric punched my shoulder gently. "What's she told you guys about me?" Eric eyed the three boys. "Only good things." Karl said while looking down. Eric scoffed. He turned and headed inside. A moment later he poked his head out the door and yelled, "Mom says dinner's ready!" I waved to show I'd heard, then turned back to the three boys. "Welp, I've gotta jet," I said. "I'll see you guys later maybe." The boys nodded. Karl and Bailey turned back to go to their house, but Ethan hesitated a moment longer before saying, "Since you're new, maybe you'd like a tour of the area?" I glanced at him and shrugged. "Sure." He nodded and pulled his phone out. "Give me your number and I'll text you later and I could drive you around." I gave him my number and we went our separate ways. As I was eating dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with the boys, and the fact that I'd be going on a tour with Ethan the next day. I didn't quite know why I was feeling a funny giddy feeling in my stomach, but it made me more excited for tomorrow.

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