Secrets revealed

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This chapter is going to involve mentions about mild abuse and cheating.
You have been warned.

I looked at Ethan, and momentarily found myself lost in his blue eyes. When I fully processed what he just said, I felt my heart race and blushed a deep shade of pink. "Now why don't you tell me what's going on?" Ethan gazed at me with a gentle expression. I nodded slowly, and me and him went over to sit on the steps outside his front door. "A long time ago," I began in a shaky voice. "I was dating someone..."

"Esme!" I heard the voice of Connor calling me from outside. I went outside and found him in my front yard. "What is it?" I asked. He approached me, swooping me in a hug and deep kiss. I pushed him away just a little, since I was self-conscious of anyone seeing us. "How would you like to hangout tomorrow?" Connor asked. I put on a pouty face as I said, "I can't I'm so sorry. I'm leaving with my parents on that week long trip, remember?" Connor blinked. "Oh that? Can't you bail?" I shook my head. "No! I wouldn't want to miss that for the world." Connor pulled away from my grasp. "You could've asked to just not go. Is it so hard to spend some time with your boyfriend?" I blinked in confusion. "Connor, we hangout all the time. I'm sorry but I have to go on this trip." Connor scoffed. "Whatever."


A week later, I slowly made my way into Connor's house. I carried the gift I got for him as I snuck upstairs. I planned this with his mom before I left for the trip, and now I stood outside his bedroom door. I pushed it open, calling, "Surprise!" But my eyes widened in disbelief at what I saw. Connor was in his bed, and beside him was some blonde haired girl I didn't know. They were apparently kissing, luckily with clothes on, but they sprang up in shock when I came in. Instead of acting apologetic or ashamed, Connor got out from bed, walked over to me, and shoved me hard against his bedroom door frame. "This is what happens when you don't have time for me." He said, an evil smirk on his face. He yanked the gift from my hands, tearing it open. He barely glanced at what it was-a mug with the letters E + C on it-before he threw it with force against his wall, causing it to smash on impact. He then grabbed my shirt by the collar, and shoved me out of the room so hard that I tumbled to the floor, hitting my head against the wooden flooring...

"And after that, I ran home, making a mental note that I would never let myself like anyone ever again." I finished my story, my heart pounding. Ethan seemed utterly dumbfounded. "Jeez...that's terrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I nodded slowly. "That's why I was avoiding you...because I knew how I was feeling, and I didn't want to feel that way." Ethan nodded. "I understand." He said softly. Then he did something unexpected. He took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together. I felt a pang in my stomach, but not from dread. It was joy. His hand was warm and soft, yet strong at the same time. "But I can tell you that I would never treat you that way. I'd treat you like the princess you are." I glanced to him as he said this, and felt my heart strings being tugged. "I'm glad." I murmured softly. I slowly leaned my head on his shoulder, and for once, I felt safe. As if nothing bad could ever reach me here. And that's exactly how I wanted to feel. 

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