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After a very awkward dinner, Ethan and I were upstairs in his room. It was around 9pm, and both of us weren't tired. We talked for a while, and decided to join the discord voice chat for a while to chat with all our friends. I had gotten to be particularly great friends with four people in the discord. Their names were FireWaves, Snow_Pearl, Avek, and Nertzy. They were the only ones in the voice chat with us that night. We had a great time, messing about and "firing" and "rehiring" each other from the group. It was great, and I enjoyed it. I managed to keep my unwanted thoughts from my mind until that night when I went home.


The next day, I spent most of the morning chatting with my friends and watching TV. It was a Tuesday, so there was a scheduled stream that day at 6pm, and all my friends were quite excited. Evening seemed to come quickly, and I headed over to the boys' house. I knocked lightly, then slowly pushed the door open. Bailey had told me that I was allowed to just come in when I came over for steams, and so I did. I said hello to Bailey and Karl, petted Midnight and the other two cats, then headed upstairs. Ethan's bedroom door was cracked open, so I tapped lightly on it. It was 5:55pm, so I knew he'd probably be getting ready to start the stream. I heard "Come in." From the room, so I headed inside. Ethan was there, wolfing down what I presumed were hot pockets. I giggled. "Why do you always eat moments before a stream starts?" I took a chair and settled down. Ethan smirked. "I never think of it before hand." I rolled my eyes. At 6pm sharp, we went live. "Today, we are going to be playing Layers of Fear two," Ethan said to the viewers. "Because you all wanted us to play another spoopy game, so you could watch me have a heart attack." I laughed. "It's fun to watch, so I can't blame them." Ethan looked at me with the "come at me" expression he often used, and I laughed even more. Just then, I noticed the chat explode with what appeared to be gifted subs. My eyes widened as I saw ten people had been gifted a 1-month subscription. Ethan noticed it too. "Oh look at Kat with the 10 gifted subs! Thank you so much, I do appreciate it." With that, he grabbed the cup that was on his desk. He slid away from the computers, before dumping the entire contents of th cup-ice and water-onto himself. I laughed out loud as he shivered. "Oh that was cold." I was laughing so much that I didn't realize that Kat had gifted even more subs.
The next hour went by in a blurr. Kat kept on gifting subs, which lead to Ethan breaking his keyboard, drinking a shot of hot sauce, pouring an entire bottle of Gatorade on himself-and some on me- and also breaking almost every pair of sunglasses he had. I was laughing and having a great time. By the time we ended the stream, we'd never gotten to play the game, and the room was a disaster. I was the cleanest thing in there at the end, which was mostly because I'd stayed well away from Ethan when all the madness was happening. I helped him clean his room, and by the time I got home, I was exhausted. I showered quickly and went to sleep.

I know this is a short chapter but I will be working on lots today. I'd just like to thank the real FireWaves, Snow_Pearl, Avek, and Nertzy for supporting me and this story while it's still so young! I am really enjoying making this and I have a LOT planned for this story. Have a great day I love y'all ❤

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