I love you...

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This chapter includes violence and mild profanity.
You have been warned.

A few days later, Ethan and I were chilling in his room, watching old videos from MrBeast, mostly ones that Ethan was in. There were two hours before we were due to go live, so we were just messing about. We decided, with the help of our discord community, that we would be playing The Isle. Now, it was 4:32pm, and I was casually scrolling through my Instagram when I got a text from an unknown number. I was a bit confused, and opened it. It said, Hello. I see you never changed your number. I was even more confused. Who is this? I texted back. The person replied That is not important right now. What is important is that you need to come to the downtown park, the one with the lake, as quickly as possible. I was so confused and didn't understand what was going on. I'm sorry, I can't do that unless I know who you are. What do you want? There was a moments pause before the person replied It's Sam. I'm a friend of your brother's. He's here and he needs you to come quick. He's in bad shape. I was starting to get concerned, and I straightened up in my chair. I showed Ethan the texts. "I don't know how legit that is, but if you like I can drive you to the park and we can see if this is true?" I nodded. If my brother was in trouble, I needed to help him. We were a bit disappointed as Ethan texted the discord, telling everyone that something came up and the stream was canceled. Then, we went out, got in his car, and headed down to the Lake Park. We parked in the parking lot, and I texted the person I'm at the parking lot. Where's my brother? There was a moment of silence, before they replied Come to the brown building beside the lot. We're inside. I looked around, and my eyes landed on the small brown building beside the lot. I didn't even know that building had a way in. I glanced to Ethan, feeling uneasy. "I'll go with you," he said. "And I'll wait just outside in case anything happens." I nodded slowly, and we both got out of the car. We headed over to the small building, and I found a small entrance that I never knew was there. I glanced to Ethan, and when he nodded, I slowly slid inside. "Eric?" I called. There was a small room with a strange brick wall covering one corner. "Eric?" I repeated, slowly turning around the corner. Suddenly, I felt a hard force grab my collar, shoving me against the brick wall. I tried to call out, but a hand covered my mouth and nose, making it almost impossible for me to breathe. "Did you know the word 'gullible' is written on your forehead?" A voice growled in my ear. My heart was pounding as I recognized the distinctive voice of Connor. "Now it's time to punish you for running away from me." Fear coursed through my body as I tried to struggle, but Connor's grip was too strong. I felt him pressing me harder into the wall, and I looked down, my eyes wide with terror as I saw the glint of a knife. I squeezed my eyes shut, ready for the searing pain, when suddenly the weight was lifted off me, and I felt my face go cold as the hand was taken off and I could breathe. I looked down, to see Ethan had tackled Connor, knocking the knife from his hands and trying to shove him down. Connor was much more buff, however, and it didn't take him much effort to push Ethan against the wall. He snatched up the knife, pinning Ethan as he slowly raised the weapon. "Ethan, no!" I screeched, and just before Connor lowered his arm, I ran forward, grabbing his wrist hard as I kicked him squarely in the crotch. Connor gave a horrible moan of pain, collapsing. This gave me and Ethan our chance to escape. We ran headlong back to the car, locking the doors the moment we were inside. We sped all the way back, both of us shocked into silence.
When we got back home, none of us wanted to get out of the car. I felt emotionally scarred, in a sense. A lump grew in my throat as I felt my eyes water. I looked down, not wanting Ethan to see me crying. But then I felt him grab my hand, and I glanced up, before looking down again. "Hey," Ethan said softly as he nudged my chin up. "It's going to be alright. I won't let that guy get to you again. And that's a promise." I sighed  nodding. I wiped my eyes, taking a deep breath. I laced my fingers with Ethan's, and looked up at him. He gazed back, and I again found myself lost in those beautiful blue eyes. I looked down. "I-" I stuttered, barely able to believe what I was about to say. Ethan gave my hand a comforting squeeze. "You what?" He prompted me gently. I took a deep breath.
"I love you, Ethan." I said ever so softly. He nudged me to look at him. "I love you too, Esme." He said, and I could tell he meant it. "And I'm willing to stay by your side no matter what, if you accept to be my girl." I felt my stomach do a flip as I actually smiled. "I thought you'd never ask. I'd love nothing more." Ethan smiled as well, and I felt my heart do a somersault. How could he be so cute?! The next thing I knew, he'd pulled me close, and I didn't push away. I couldn't believe at first that this was happening. Was I actually kissing someone? However, I soon forgot these thoughts as I let myself get lost in the moment...

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