South Dakota [2]

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  You scurried across the floor silently, unsheathing your machete from it's holster as you approached the door to the basement. It made a satisfying sound as it always did, making you smirk. The door creaked loudly as you pulled it open, all sounds you had previously heard subsiding. Now, whatever was down there knew they weren't alone anymore. You didn't bother to step lightly, your footsteps pounding as you hopped down the stairs, landing on the watery concrete floor. Your machete hung lazily as you stared into the darkness impatiently.

  "Oh, come on, are you going to keep me waiting? Let's have some fun, Collet." You smiled a bloody, twisted grin. The lights flickered on, showing three different figures in the swamped basement. The one in the front was a tall blonde man, Collet, the head vampire of the nest you had just almost wiped out entirely.

  "You always seem to find me, why do you think that is?" He asked, a small frown on his face. You chuckled, spinning your machete in your right hand now.

  "Because you're messy and don't cover your tracks. I always know it's you when I find someone on the side of the road. I would suggest you not go for hitchhikers, but you'll be dead soon anyway, so it doesn't matter." You smirked, glancing at the two vampires by his side.

   "Oh, is that so?" He snarled as he traced his sharp teeth with his tongue. He raised his chin slightly. "Kill her." The two vampires rushed forward at you, but you reeled your arm back and swung with all your force, cutting both of their heads off with one hit. You watched as their bodies fell to the ground, their hungry faces still lingering on their decapitated heads.

  "Fools! Why do I always have to do everything myself?" He snarled at the two lifeless bodies. Your eyes locked with his icy blue ones, and he smirked. "I almost forgot to tell you about your friends." Your eyebrows furrowed as you raised your machete again.

  "I don't have friends." You snapped back. He chuckled, reaching his hand up to a string in the ceiling.

  "They would beg to differ." As he pulled on the string, a light flickered on to your right, and your eyes locked on two figures tied to chairs facing away from each other.

  "Winchesters." You hissed aloud, taking in their appearance. They were both pale and sweating, fresh cuts and bruises lining up and down their exposed chest, arms, and neck. The taller one looked as if he'd been punched countless times, since his nose and lip were bleeding and his eyes were purple and black. Both of them had makeshift gags in their mouths, keeping them from speaking. Their eyes squinted while trying to adjust to the bright light, but they both looked back at you. You redirected your attention to Collet as you noticed he was rushing towards you. You slid under his left arm with your machete raised above your head, slicing a gash in his neck. Spinning quickly, you caught him before he had the time to react and cut his head off, dropping your machete as he fell to the ground. You took a moment to catch your breath before you turned to look at the brothers, who both looked impressed. You pulled your spare knife from your back pocket as you approached them. "Let's get one thing very clear, here." You said as you flicked it open. They both looked down at it before looking back up at you. "I am not your friend, and I better not be on your list of references on your resume. I may have known your daddy, but that doesn't mean we got along. I want nothing to do with you boys, and your dad doesn't want me to have anything to do with you, either. You hear me?" You snarled, the boys wincing as you talked. The taller one nodded, and you brought your knife down against the rope restraining his wrists, turning to leave as he wiggled his hands free.

  "Wait, please." The taller one said as he ripped the gag off his head. You paused before spinning back around.

  "How did you know our dad?" He asked as he untied the ropes binding his legs together. Your jaw clenched together, slowly closing your knife as you thought about the night you met John Winchester.

  "He saved my life, and then he ruined it all over again." You snapped angrily as you met the smaller one's green eyes. They stared back at you, filled with both hatred and empathy. You turned and darted up the stairs as the sun began to peak in through the small windows just above ground level. Once you were outside, you climbed onto your bike, pulling on all your gear and looking back at the house one last time. The boys were limping out of it, the taller one balancing his brother with his arm around his shoulder. They stopped as they noticed you, but you were gone in a matter of seconds.

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