Truth [4]

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  "Let me leave." You ordered coldly as Bobby stood in the way of the kitchen door. "Or I'll flip you, too." The man scoffed and rolled his eyes.

  "No you won't, you wouldn't touch me. And, I can't let you leave. This is an opportunity for you to talk with John, you should take it." He answered as he gripped the wall on both sides of him.

  "The only thing I want to say to John, I've already said, now let me go." You growled as you tried to duck under his right arm. He moved it down, making you growl under your breath.

  "That's not the only thing you want to say, and you know it. Sit down, Y/N. I'll send Dean in here to check on you while I talk to John." Bobby told you quietly, hoping his words would convince you.

  "To check on me, or to watch me?" You snapped. He gave you a forward look, making you sigh and squeeze your eyes shut. "What would I even do when he sat down, huh?"

  "Scream at him, hit him, tell him how much he's ruined your life, for god sake!" He paused as he noticed you bite your lip. "I just want my little girl back." You met his eyes briefly before sighing and nodding in defeat. He smiled and pulled you forward into a hug. He smelt like home, which comforted you a little, but your emotions still got the best of you. You were furious at John Winchester, but you were also terrified of him, and even thinking of making eye contact with him made your stomach flip. Bobby placed a kiss on your forehead before he motioned towards the chair in the corner of the room, telling you that he would be back soon. You watched as he left the house through the front door, passing the taller Winchester brother as he did. When your gaze found his, he approached the library doors with a small smile, his hands shoved in his pockets.

  "Dean told me I missed the action earlier, what happened?" He asked. You averted your eyes.

  "I almost murdered him." You chuckled as you pulled your knife out of your boot, flipping it open. The man's lips curled up into a smile as you felt his gaze on you, watching your every move. You flipped the knife in your hand, holding the blade as you reached your hand forward, offering the man your most cherished possession. He hesitantly took it and inspected it.

  "This is nice, where'd you get it?" You chuckled lightly as you looked away from him.

  "Your dad. It was my first weapon, I was 12 years old." He smiled sympathetically, handing it back to you.

  "I'm Sam, by the way." He nodded, holding his hand out.

  "Y/N. Sam and Dean Winchester. It has a nice ring to it." You smiled as you shook it. He chuckled, but paused as Bobby cleared his throat behind him. You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling as if you were going to throw up. You couldn't see him, but you knew John was there, smiling at your unintentional compliment.

  "Sam, you mind if we steal her from you?" Bobby asked as he turned around. You grabbed Sam's wrist as John came into view, making him glance back at you.

  "I want him here." You breathed, catching his gaze. He flashed you a confused look, but masked it with a charming side smile. Bobby seemed to hesitate, but John spoke.

  "No, I don't want my boys around." You chuckled angrily.

  "Why, don't want them to know their daddy ain't the hero they think he is?" You sneered without thinking. Bobby placed his hand on John's chest, preventing him from stepping towards you. "Sit down, John, and let's get this over with." Sam glanced at his father as he moved to sit down on the chair in the corner of the room. Bobby closed the sliding doors that led from the kitchen to the library as Sam moved to stand in another corner. You began pacing the room as you fiddled with your knife, opening and closing it repeatedly. You were trying to think about what to say without hurting Sam's feelings.

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