Tears [7]

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  You hurried into St. Joseph Medical Center, running on the balls of your feet. You collided with the front desk, making the woman sitting there jump.

  "Name, please?" She asked after readjusting her glasses.

  "Katelyn Thompson. I'm here for Amy Thompson, someone called me and told me she was attacked by an animal." You breathed, still trying to comprehend the situation yourself. The woman nodded and began typing on her computer. When she looked back up at you, she smiled weakly, making your stomach drop.

  "Room 13, down the hall to the right, dear." Your eyes stayed on her as you tried to swallow the lump in your throat. You didn't know if you wanted the answer to your next question or not.

  "Is she... is she alive?" The woman's eyes dropped down to her computer before looking back up at you, and you knew exactly what the answer was. Your eyes pricked with tears as the information hit you like a truck. Your legs lead you to her room, and your stomach continued to flip as you looked inside. There she was, the girl you'd saved from a werewolf attack a year ago, laying on a hospital bed, dead from another werewolf attack. You slowly walked to her side, your face turning pale as you looked over her wounds. There were deep claw marks all up and down her petite frame. A large bite mark on her upper right thigh and the right side of her neck stuck out to you. Her heart wasn't missing, however, confusing you slightly. You looked back up at her face. Her bright blue eyes were now faded grey as she stared lifeless at the ceiling. Her mouth hung open, her usually plump lips now thinning slightly. A slow rapping at the door rung in your ears, but you didn't look over to see who it was. You were in shock. "She's 17 years old." You whispered as tears kept flowing. A hand wrapped around yours, and your eyes travelled up it's leather covered arm to find Dean Winchester. He nodded softly, his eyes filled with compassion.

  "I know." He whispered. He let go of your hand and slowly pulled you into a hug as you crumbled to your knees, realization hitting you hard. He kneeled down on the ground with you in his arms as you sobbed, slowly running his hands through your hair as he shushed you. His eyes found the girl's, feeling his own eyes burn. He hated when people so young died of the evil things in the world, like it was a waste of their life.


  Your eyes fluttered open but immediately shut again as you felt the burn of their dryness. You wondered how long you'd been crying before a grunting caught your attention. Opening your eyes again, you glanced around, finding Dean Winchester on a bed next to yours, only separated by a night stand. Motel, he probably got a motel. Did I fall asleep? You wondered as you sat up. The walls were yellow with blue polka dots, which made your nose scrunch up in disgust.

  "Gross." You mumbled before pulling yourself out of the bed you were in. Dean mumbled something before grunting again. He flipped around in bed, and you realized he was having a nightmare. He was pale and sweating, but he looked distraught as he grunted again. You jumped when he shot up in bed and shouted a name.

  "Jo!" You hurried over and sat down in front of him.

  "Hey, Dean, you're okay, you're fine." You cooed as his breathing picked up. He ran a hand through his hair before looking at you, sucking his bottom lip behind his teeth.

  "Oh, uhm...did we...?" He asked as he looked you over. You laughed.

  "No, you pervert. I don't know what happened, you tell me. One minute I was at the hospital," You paused, looking down at the ground, "and the next I woke up here, with you." His eyes widened slightly. "No, I'm not mad that you followed me, I'm mad at John for telling you to. Orders are orders, I get it. Now, tell me what happened." You chuckled as his faced relaxed again. He shrugged.

  "Well, you fell asleep while you were crying at around eight o'clock so I had to take you to the nearest place to crash. I didn't wanna wake you up and remind you of..." He trailed off, his eyes widening as yours slowly filled with tears. "Hey, come here, kid." He told you as he laid back. You hesitated before laying down next to him, shoving your hands in your face as you continued to cry softly. He wrapped an arm around you and rubbed your right shoulder with his thumb softly while running his fingers through your hair to calm you. You appreciated his help, despite still being a little aggravated with him.


  Your eyes fluttered open as the smell of Dean Winchester flooded to your nose. It comforted you as you nudged him with your hand.

  "Oh, you're awake." He mumbled. You nodded and shut your eyes again, feeling the cold air on the exposed skin of your legs. Dean shifted. grunting as he sat up, but paused as he looked down at you. You looked so peaceful, turned on your side with your left arm trailing down your hip. Your hair was pulled up into a messy bun and you were biting your lip as you shivered. Probably from the cold. He thought as he pulled his leather jacket off.

  "Here." He mumbled quietly as he draped it over you, watching as you groggily curled up into a ball and  grabbed a part of it. He smiled as he hopped out of bed.

  "Hey, Dean?" You called, making him turn towards you.

  "What's up, kitten?" He asked, turning back around to face you.

  "She was 16 when I found her. She was hiding from her drug addict dad who had been bitten by a werewolf and turned. I let her stay with me while I was in town, and I told her about all the things in this world. A year later I come back and she's dead, another werewolf attack. She went off looking for trouble, didn't she?" You asked as your eyes opened and met the ground. Dean's eyes softened, and he set a hand on your left cheek lightly.

  "(Y/N/N), I'm so sorry." He mumbled, watching you closely as you pressed your lips together and nodded. You wiped a stray tear off your face as it slid down, then hurrying out of bed. "Hey, what are you doing?"

  "I'm a hunter, Dean, losing the people you love is part of the job. You just have to get over it as best you can, because there are lives to save and evil to destroy." You sighed as you threw his leather jacket over your shoulder, holding it by the collar. Dean seemed shocked.

  "What?" Dean shook his head and grabbed both of your duffel bags in each hand.

  "Back to South Dakota?" You hummed your response and took your bag from him, giggling as he winked at you and followed you outside. You looked around for your motorcycle, but you didn't find it.

  "Uh, Dean, where's my bike?" You asked, watching him carefully as he paused and turned around to face you.

  "I, uh, forgot to get it last night." He smiled nervously.

  "You what!" You barked, dropping your bag as your eyes widened.

  "Wait, I know exactly where you parked it, we can just go get it." He told you, preparing to defend himself if he had to. You studied him momentarily before you smiled, your jaw locked.

  "Dean Winchester, if you've lost my Meridith, I will smash your car with a crescent wrench, you got that?" You asked, watching as his eyes grew wide with fear.

  "Yes, ma'am." You picked your bag back up and climbed into his car, him following soon after. You tossed your bag into the backseat before falling back on your own seat and crossing your arms, your gaze sharp as he put the car in reverse and backed out of the motel parking lot.

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