King [10]

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"Crowley's looking for you cause he's got some issues with your wife." You sighed as you pushed your way into the library. John's head snapped towards you.

"Mary? Why?" He asked as he stood up out of his chair. Bobby and Sam looked up at you as Dean approached you from behind.

"Mom's downstairs. Crowley's keeping her until he gets to talk with you." Dean sighed. You noticed the sorrowful look in his eyes as they met his father's gaze.

"What are we waiting for? Send me down there, then." John snapped harshly. You flashed him a glare.

"Hold your horses, John. If we send you down to Hell we won't know how to get you back up. We don't know if Crowley will just decide to keep you and the misses, it's too risky." You growled back, crossing your arms over your chest. His eyes narrowed at you.

"You expect me to do nothing as my wife burns up in Hell?" He snarled back.

"No, I don't. I expect you to stay lucid while we come up with a plan to get Mary out of Hell, or if worse comes to worst, we send you down with an understanding of how to pop you back out." You told him sternly. His face turned red with what you assumed was anger before he stormed out of the room. Your eyes met Bobby's as he flashed you a weak side smile.

"How did mom get into Hell?" Sam asked as he pushed himself off of his wooden chair. Dean sighed with a shrug.

"Nathaniel said he didn't know. Swore on his life." Dean shrugged. You watched Sam's eyes cloud with emotion as he looked down at the ground.

"The demon's name was Nathaniel?" Bobby scoffed. You hummed in response, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Sounds more like an angel's name." He shrugged, making you chuckle.

"You realize demons are fallen angels, right? Their souls were just corrupted by Lucifer." You asked with a smirk as you placed your hands on your hips. He hesitated.

"Yeah, totally." He coughed fakely, making you giggle. You turned back to Dean and he looked up at you with a weak side smile. You set a hand on his shoulder and pulled him into a hug, wrapping your arms up around him. He didn't say anything, instead wrapping his arms around you with a silent sigh.

"We're gonna get her out of there, guys." You told the boys as you pulled away from Dean and turned around. Sam looked back up at you and flashed you a warm smile, which gave you hope that what you had said was actually true.

You hopped down the front porch stairs and walked over to the Honda, where your tool box lay open. You smiled at it, loving the familiar feeling of home that you got when you were working. It reminded you of Bobby, and the way he taught you everything he knew about cars when he took you in. Looking up at the Honda, you sighed, but your breath hitched as a memory flooded into your mind.

John pulled the car to a stop and reached over your small frail body, pulling the door handle and pushing it open. When he leaned back, you looked at him.

"What's that for?" You asked quietly.

"Get out." He snapped, resting his hands on the steering wheel. Your eyes widened.


"You heard me, get out!" He snapped louder. His eyes burned with anger, which you understood as you had failed the hunt he had brought you on.

"John-" You tried to start apologizing, but he unbuckled your seat belt and reached his foot over, kicking you hard enough that you fell out of the car. You let out a scream of agony as you landed on your broken leg, your head slamming against the concrete sidewalk.

"Don't ever show your face to me again!" He yelled before pulling your door shut. His tires squealed as he flew out onto the road, leaving you outside a very old looking house. Tears pricked your eyes as you watched the impala disappear behind a hill.

"Oh god..." You mumbled to yourself as you heard a creaking sound. Looking over, you saw the front door of the old house swing open, and a woman stepped out onto the porch. Her eyes strained as she looked at you, and she threw on a fake smile. The gesture didn't faze you, though, since you already knew what she was. Tires screeched beside you as she hurried towards you, and you looked back to see Bobby's pick-up truck. His door swung open and he looked down at you frantically.

"Kid, get in!" He reached down to pick you up, and you let out s pain filled moan as your broken leg shifted. He hurried to pull you into the truck, slamming his foot down on the gas peddle before he'd even shut his door. The woman hissed in anger, her sharp teeth showing as she jumped onto the open door, clinging to it by the window.

"She's mine!" She shouted angrily, but it took you no time to get her off the truck as you landed a hard punch to her nose. She fell backwards as Bobby slammed his door shut, and the two of you took off into the night.

You blinked and shook your head, whipping the tears that had started to form in your eyes. You could feel your blood boiling with anger and hurt towards John. Looking down at your toolbox, you grabbed a sledgehammer, which you usually used for stress relief. Spinning it in your hands a few times, you leaned back and slammed it down onto the hood of the Honda in front of you. It let out a satisfying sound, making you crave more. You began pounding on the car, breaking every window and putting dents in the frame. You stopped as someone grabbed you.

"Woah, woah! Y/N, what are you doing?" Dean's voice said as he yanked the sledgehammer from your grip.

"Dean, damnit boy, do you ever listen?" Bobby shouted from the porch.

"I'm letting out anger, give me the hammer." You told him as you reached for it.

"Anger? From what?" Dean asked as he raised the tool above his head. He was much taller than you, and you knew you wouldn't be able to reach it even if you jumped.

"None of your damn business, give me the hammer!" You snapped, but your tone lowered as he flinched.

"It is my damn business if you're making this much noise and attracting attention." He snarled back, catching you off guard.

"Give me the hammer, now." You hissed, but his face didn't falter.

"Dean, give it to her!" You heard John shout, which made your anger increase.

"Shut up, John!" You shouted at him, flashing him a strong glare.

"Woah, cool it, what did he do?" Dean snapped as he stepped in front of your view.

"Oh my god, do you ever give up? I'm angry because of your low-life father! I'm smashing this car because of this shit he's put me through! Now, give me the damn hammer!" You screamed, yanking the hammer from Dean's hands as he paused.

"Y/N..." Dean lowered his voice.

"Dean, don't. You don't want to know." His brother called from the porch as he jogged down the steps towards the two of you.

"He's right, I'm not going to ruin his image. You value him too much." You snapped before bringing the sledgehammer down onto one of the windows of the Honda. The glass shattered more, a piece flying into your arm. You grunted in pain and ripped it out, dropping it onto the ground dismissively.

"Y/N, what has he done." Dean asked sternly. You turned to look at him, his powerful green eyes catching you off guard. He looked sincere and protective, but you weren't sure if he was protecting you or his father.

"Y/N, go ahead." John's voice called. You looked over at him, his sympathetic gaze confusing you.

"I deserve it, just tell him. He'll find out soon enough anyway." John smiled weakly. You glanced over at Bobby, who was giving you a skeptical look, and then you looked at Sam, who gave you his best reassuring smile. Looking back over at Dean, you swallowed the lump in your throat.

"Fine. You want to know the full story? Here it is..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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