Part 23.

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Y/n: "Colby!?"
C: "Who the hell is he!?And what did he do to you!?"
E: "Who are you!?"
C: "I'm y/n's boy-"
You interrupted them because you didn't want them to fight because you didn't want Colby to get hurt.
Y/n: "Guys, guys. Stop, Colby come in, and you, Ethan, leave!"
You slam the door on him and Colby's staring at you.
Y/n: "What!?"
C: "Who's Ethan?"
Y/n: "He's just my Ex!"
C: "How does he know where you live? What did he do!?"
Y/n: "I don't know, I really don't. I haven't talked to him in ages and I blocked him!"
You wanted to shout because the feelings came back from when you were together. You were in the relationship for 2 years and you had only told Hannah about what had happened.
C: "What did he do!?" Colby rose his voice and you felt your eyes starting to tear up because the pain of his hits caught you.
C: "Hey, hey, baby what happened? Tell me, please."
He walked up and hugged you, while holding him tight you start to cry and you knew from then on you wouldn't be able to stop unless you tell him.
After telling him, he didn't want to take you out anymore, he just wanted you to stay home. You insisted that you wanted to still go out, and he actually agreed. You jumped in his car.
C: "You'll like this place."
Y/n: "You sure?"
C: "Yes, very!"

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