Chapter 7

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   I watched as Jace and Mark started their first day on the wall, shooting anything that approaches. The way the sunlight his Mark, making him look like a silhouette of himself way really hot. I shook my head gently as I walked to the school house. It had a few children of various ages, the oldest one being 12. I was assigned to teach them language and math skills, Jace would come down on his break and teach the two eldest children archery skills whilst the other kids were taken outside for gym class. I've never taught kids of various ages at the same time before, of anything close to this material. My math that I was supposed to teach them was changed and wasn't what any child would normally learn. 

   "Sean, you have to remember that we aren't under normal circumstances." I heard Samantha's voice say

   There's no way. I thought to myself turning around. I was met with Samantha's light blue eyes as she stood in the doorway wearing a blue shirt that was slightly to tight fer her and a pair of black ripped jeans.

   "I heard Jace was commanding Mark on the wall." She laughed

   "Samantha." I said feeling myself tear up "I-I can't believe its you."

   "Come on you goober. We have kids to teach. We can talk later. Mason is teaching too." She smiled

   "Of course his gay ass made it. Did they open a club just for him?" I laughed

   "He's tried actually. The council told him they didn't need a bunch of drunks in town." She giggled

   Sam and I started our lessons with the kids. Soon the kids went off to phys.ed and I watched Jace as he nervously started his lesson. About 20 minutes into his lesson I heard someone screaming. I turned around horrified by what I found. Quickly Jace turned and shot his bow in the direction. One got in. The kids hid behind Jace as I struggled to keep myself from running to Mark.

   "Sean!" Jace yelled

   I turned to face him as he gestured to the kids

   "I have to go. You still have your axe, right?" He asked

   "I keep it inside."

   "Good. Get the kids inside. And whatever you do, do not, for any reason, open those doors once you're all in." He said as a siren rang filling our ears 

   I took a deep breath and quickly Mason made his way inside with the kids. Samantha helped me barricade the doors and took the kids into a room with no windows. Mason and I stayed outside the room, ready to fight anything that got inside. Gunshots hitting buildings and screaming became louder than the sirens. I could hear men yelling, ordering people around. Glass shattered bringing my attention back to what I was doing as a zombie climbed through the now open window. I ran at it swinging my axe, killing it quickly. I looked out the window seeing arrows flying down with the mass gun fire, but I didn't see either Jace or Mark on the wall. Where the hell were they? They wouldn't leave their position to fight on the ground, would they?

   "Sean, isn't that Jace? I though he was stationed on the wall?" Mason asked pointing to a near by roof top

   "Maybe he couldn't get there. The entrance is on the other side of town." I said trying to convince myself he didn't leave on purpose

   "There's Mark." He said pointing another direction

   I looked in the direction he pointed seeing my Husbands faded red hair flow with the wind as he ran, jumping roof top to roof top, trying to get to Jace. I looked around seeing that there were quite a few zombies by now. Was their a hole in the wall somewhere?

   "Mark, what the fuck?" I heard Jace yell over everything

   I watched the two as much as I could while keeping the kids safe. They fought together, not taking a break. It wasn't long though, before the two were both out of arrows and prepared for close combat. I watched as Jace spoke into a walkie-talkie that he had strapped to his belt. I couldn't make out what he was saying but his expression seemed to become angry, like something was very wrong. I got worried and it seemed like forever. 

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