6.prince charming

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Karn observes every thing silently as the lunch progresses. His expression becoming sombre, his mind in haywire. Looking at Singto taking out crab meat from shells for krist's lunch as krist stares at the prince equally dumbstruck, Karn chews his lower lip.

What is this going on? When did Singto become so hands on and deshelling crabs! Singto hates any form of food which takes more than two minutes to eat .

Karn knows extremely well, Singto would rather use magic than use chopsticks for taking out the meat from the cooked king crab, more over he hates any kinds of sea food! And here his younger bro is passing tender pieces, by breaking the shell as krist was struggling to get the juicy tender parts of the meat out of the hard shells with his chopsticks earlier, as the food arrived..

Knot looks at Karn in surprise too, raising one of his eyebrows and Karn can only reply in shrugging his shoulders. He surely doesn't understand what's the deal with Singto! And krist is no help because he is too shocked to even raise his chopsticks and have the meat . He is stoically looking down at his plate not even glancing up at Karn or Knot even!

" Come on eat, now you can stop struggling like a child with food and stop being a messy eater."

Singto pokes him on his arm with the chopsticks playfully.

" Singto, that's very noble of you and all but I doubt krist can even eat that food, he is too flustered and stupidified to even move and we are also too shocked to understand what is going on?"

Karn decides better to speak his mind out than chewing his words. Singto's actions are too out of character. He just cannot believe his eyes. Didn't he join them because he was heartbroken and all, but he seems jubiliant sitting beside krist and flustering him. Is he actually flirting with him!!?

" I don't understand what's the fuss about, I just helped him in deshelling crabs! You are always exaggerating every one of my actions."

Sintgo raises his glass to drink, trying to hide his own rising  blush, trust his elder bro to speak out his mind!

" So you like krist? "

Karn utters unperturbed, seeing his tanned stoic brother blush confirms lots of things for him.

Singto splutters the water out, as an audible gasp is heard from Knot and krist, the younger looking like he will be permanently stamped into a beet red species,almost resembling a human!

" Eat your food big bro,you are overthinking things and embarrassing everyone around."

Singto decides it's best to concentrate on his pork stew. But a smile escapes his face when he sees the dejected expression on Knot's face. Yes , phi Knot I will fight. To hell,with wizard rules and regulations. Singto mentally congratulates himself..

Karn glances around the table, at the rest of the company ,his best friend and krist. Knot looks shocked , krist a blushing, flustered mess, as his bro singto becomes all smug, and starts eating his pork stew casually. Hmm, a very interesting lunch indeed with a fake prince charming.

Next was the time for desert and it's caramel custard time for krist. Singto looking oh so adoringly as the younger eats, that Karn felt like gagging with all the diabetic sweetness his otherwise stone faced younger bro is showing. Krist as usual keeps his face down, never even looking up to meet his eyes or anyone's eyes for that matter.

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