8. a rosewood table

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Singto watches the younger with both fascination and apprehension. Is the younger avoiding him in pretense of work, or he is somehow embarrassed to face him. Singto silently observes on, his onyx eyes recording krist's every movements and antics..

krist first meticulously finishes sorting his bundles of loose papers consisting of various company policies and protocols and then moves on to Singto's laptop and starts vigorously typing, completely concentrating on making a presentation out of those complicated policy papers.

They have an all important council meeting coming up in two days where Karn will be upheld as the acting leader since King Pratik's health is deteriorating with each passing day. His father always had a weak heart, even with potions and magic it is not helping with the added stress of a Monarch's duty and the pressure from the dark wizards wanting more control.

Karn and Singto suspects they are going to wage civil war of some sort as soon as Karn rises to the throne. Their father needs to step down for Karn to lead the magic world towards a truly inclusive regimen. There had been enough stalling and enough suffering due to the delayed policies and fear of Thanawit backed council's backlash .

What Singto definitely fears right now, is repurcassions from Thanawit since he broke up with ohm and not siding with the dark forces on their evil plans.But for two weeks there have been complete silence, like a omnious silence before a raging storm , from both the manipulating father and son.

Singto sighs, glancing at the figure behind the computer , engrossed in his work, in a yellow stripped shirt, looking like a bright morning sun. For past two weeks one more thing has kept him awake at night . Krist! He has not been able to see this enchanting face, neither formally nor informally.

Being Karn' s personal assistant with an emergency situation looming on their head, the young man had spend his whole time with the crown prince, helping him sorting out everything in place along with various trusted minsters of state.

Singto knows krist has been so busy he couldn't even go out for lunch and resorted to eating with Karn at his office . Sometimes even dinner they had together, since they left so late. Singto himself didn't fare any better. He was busy preparing the army and military officials, for any unexpected coup or attack from the dark world . .

That day when he was presented with the sunflowers he wanted to ask krist thousands of questions but Karn's voice had boomed around them, calling Singto immediately back to the palace. Upon prompt arrival by the royal summoning, he had faced the grim news of another chest pain episode of his father and his Mae's tearful request to Karn to ascend the throne and let his father take untimely retirement.

The frenzy for the preparation of coronation and before that, the upcoming extremely important council meeting, had begun since then, taking away their private time and important discussions regarding future..

Singto slowly approaches krist, he can't control himself anymore, the younger looks positively glowing in that shirt and his insides throb for the solace of embrace and warmth from this beautiful sun, in all the madness happening around them .

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