10. wand and me

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Krist wakes up when something cold touches his face and he can sense soothing oil like something being rubbed on his naked body..his eye lids feel so heavy like tons of weight have been put on them, and he can suddenly hear the sadistic laughter and can feel again the dirty fingers moving around and groping him.his heart thumps violently, someone is molesting him!!

he wakes up with a start , and groans right back down on the soft fluffy bed, when shooting pain spreads all over his wounded body ..

" Don't move dear child, you are still healing, how did you end up with that stupid prince? He is too weak and nuckle headed, he couldn't even protect you.. "

A gruff voice speaks and when krist turns towards the owner of the voice, somehow trying to open his eyes , and when his vision does clear after repeated blinking, he audibly gasps .

A older man's face comes into his view, marred by a huge gaping burnt scar ,running through the whole face in a criss cross manner stares back at him..but the eyes are the ones,which runs krist's blood cold, they are like eyes of a dead man,  unblinking with burnt eyebrows, expressionless.

" This is how you start to look when you go down the dark road , and crave the absolute power of death and destruction."

" Who are you.?"

" I am.."

the man haults before he speaks again, his musk like face shows confusion but he soon becomes the same stone cold one and answers him..
" I am  Rangsit Thanawit, dear Thanawit's elder brother, the head of the family,and the true leader of the dark world. Though I let him run the show. ."

" you saved me?"

Krist can understand, when he is not panicking anymore that his body is healing under the older man's  gentle non erotic touches.

Whatever  oil this old man is massaging on his body, and the magic he is using is soothing it, mending his broken bones.

But when his non intrusive fingers goes near his groin, the trauma that he suffered mentally and physically, the sick memories of it, again rushes back,.
Especially when be realises he is naked even without his boxers under the smooth satin bed sheet, making him tremble uncontrollably, in no time he is crying and shivering violently..

the older man without any ado hugs him and pulls him tightly into his warm embrace,patting his back and crooning soothing words in his ears..

" Shhh ,  don't be afraid my child, I am just healing you..you are safe now in my arms, they can't touch you ever again.. I am here, shhh.."

Krist stiffens then surrenders into the warmth of the platonic touch..as the man starts chanting some encantations and waves his hand around, making a white glow to appear in his palms which floats and then melts inside krist's heart , making him slowly calm down and feel at peace..his eyelids droop again in recovering sleep, in the man's comforting arms..

" Singto, I need to go to him"

Soon, he jolts up,his heart palpating again,..the last thing he rememberes is Thanawit approaching the prince with some potion in a vial..did Singto take it? How is he, is he poisoned?

" Shhh, my child.. again you are getting agitated. You want to go that prince but there is  bloody massacre and fighting between the two wizard sides going on. Your prince Karn has already arrived with his wizaed army and they are fighting everywhere...

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