7. movie date

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Singto appeared in front of the movie hall. He checked the time, still ten minutes left for the movie to start and fortunately he can see krist standing with his group in the que, about to get in. Singto moves forward, taking long strides, the revelations have turned his world upside down.

Yes ,he is surely distraught and sad but it also made everything clear in his mind about what his next step should be regarding krist.

Em is the first one to notice him as krist is busy speaking to the two playfully bickering brothers, bright and tootah .

" prince Singto!"

The normal people and wizards all around part immediately, making an automatic way for the prince, as he approaches the stunned group. Krist, second time in a day looks completely stupidified. His jaw almost about to hit the floor in utter shock!

" I am joining you all for the movie."

" You want to watch a movie,where a human falls in love with a wizard!"

Em stutters, as May pinches his waist to make him stop talking, Singto looks intimidating, his mood visibly gloomy . Krist for the first time senses the pensive aura of the wizard,onyx eyes directed straight at him. This in turn rises him from his stupor and initial shock at the sudden appearance of the prince, his heart racing frantically..calm down stupid heartbeats..

" Do you want to really watch this movie prince." This time May asks with due respect.

" Yes I do, and may I sit beside you, krist."

Krist nods almost comically, and their surrounding friends gasp audibly only to stop when the stern wizard gives them all a look that clearly states not to mess with him.

From then on,They silently make their way inside the movie hall, a ticket is immediately arranged for Singto to sit with the company he arrived with. He is the prince after all,he has to have special privileges. Free Refreshments come, as well as big buckets of popcorns arrive for everyone, in a blink.

Soon the movie starts but krist's concentration is only on the prince sitting beside him, he is looking at the screen but krist can feel, the prince's mind is faraway.
He is physically beside him but mentally he is lost in some inner turmoil.

He can sense the unease, the restlessness oozing out of the prince.. krist doesn't know where he gets the bravery from, may be from the blatant show of pursuation the ice cold prince had been doing since morning or the furrowed eyebrows and lost onyx eyes, making the prince look so vulnerable, Almost human, whatever the reason, krist finds himself clasping the tanned hand near him.

Singto jumps by the sudden tepid touch on his skin, and he finds doe eyes locking with his own, the brightness of the movie screen in the dark, making them both to shine, like twinkling stars.

Knot and others anyways, are stoically keeping their minds and eyes glued to the screen from the moment Singto has joined them .

Their group have not passed even a single casual comment among themselves, thankfully the movie is entertaining from the very first scene, making the tensed atmosphere bearable for May, em,bright and tootah. Knot, though is struggling with his rampant emotions, trying to maintain his calm as he is seated faraway from krist, with Em and May in between. Thus, krist holding Singto's hand gets totally unnoticed by the group.

" May I ask what's troubling you prince Singto."

Singto squeezes the hand back and holds it firmly as krist tries to take it back, flustered by his own sudden bravery and the silence from the prince who keeps on just staring right back at him.

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