12. wedding bells

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Krist slowly immerses himself in the tepid essential oil soaked water of the ginormous bathtub of the prince's chamber..his mind blank, his body refusing to look like anything other than a red tomato..

Krist literally stupidly fears, he will be permanently stamped bright red in colour, thinking back to all that had transpired today.

He has literally escaped from the crowd surrounding and congratulating him and took refuge in the washroom of the prince's chamber..

But the hot steaming water only enhances the crimson hue of his rosy skin, he is not aware, but the overall look, is sexy, sultry and seductive..

And that is how Singto desperately searching for him, finds him, and the prince momentarily stops short at the steam filled washroom door ..magic of krist's mesmerising body blinding him, his own body feels suddenly so hot,pants uncomfortable ..

Eyes closed,glossy lips slightly parted, paleness of the porcelain like skin, blushed to a beautiful pinkish red.. Singto can just stare,not daring to startle this mesmaric erotic half blood..his husband..

Yes, they got married today.. Singto smiles remembering krist laughing maniacally when he proposed and Karn and Knot's shocked,stunned faces..but when he didn't take his eyes off the younger, his onyx eyes telling his deepest desire to the doe ones, transparent in showing how serious he is with his spoken words, was the moment krist stopped laughing and asked for privacy from the other two stunned duo in the room.

And as expected, krist did the unexpected next . He came and hugged Singto tight, peppering small featherlight kisses on Singto's both cheeks and a barely there peck on his plump lips.

It was now time for Singto to become speechless and shocked,first time the younger reached out to him after their ordeal,showed him open affection,..the next words that leave his mouth, made Singto fall deeper for the younger's innocence and love for his country. ,

" Yes.. I will marry you, prince Singto,.I hope you are not doing this out of guilt , because you have absolutely nothing to be guilty about . I hope you are only offering me a way out of this shitty exile thrust upon me and helping me in unstinting my name.. phi Singto, this is my motherland , my place of birth, I don't want to be torn away and discarded like a rag doll by those jealous, threatened council members with ulterior motives.
So, I will take your absolutely non romantic proposal of marriage , well, we can always annul it later after everything get sorted, if you get bored of me .,
Thank you, for giving me hope in this darkness ..I really don't want to go back with Rangsit Thanawit.."

Krist's voice was not faltering but it was so soft that Singto had to really crane his neck to catch them..and the last words were almost spoken in whisper.

" Rangsit Thanawit is your father! The same man who came and rescued you from the dungeon and the man who later saved you from my killing curse of fière ..I understood that from Knot's conversation with my bro, earlier . May I ask who is your mom and why were you raised then as an orphan krist."

Singto was definitely curious about Krist's parentage but the pained expression on krist's face prompted him more, to ask krist the question. They didn't have much time. He expected the council members with Thanawit to arrive at any moment and create a mayhem. Singto wanted to be all prepared to face them, he didn't desire any secret between him and krist, helping the council in anyways.

" He ..he..used my mom, he had his fun time with her, and then used the "curse of oublier" to make her forget everything. Imagine her shock, when one-day she got up to discover she is pregnant, with no notion by whom!

He said to me , he kept tab on her, because she was a beauty to behold, and he felt guilty for getting her pregnant . But he never really loved her, and let her suffer her horrendous fate, taking no responsibility of his action !

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