Ally to Lover

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"So I'm going to go to Miami, in America, isn't that exciting?" Asked Claire as she packed her things for Christmas, Milena was scouring her room for her dammed cross necklace that she had lost, "I'm going to get the most fabulous tan."

"You don't need to tan," said Milena, as she flipped her mattress, her wand tucked behind her ear,

"No. You don't need to tan," said Claire,

"Perks of being half Cuban, I suppose." Said Milena as she set down the mattress and adjusted her dress. It was red and flowy with stockings underneath to keep warm. She was seeing family after all, she had to look perfect. "I can't find it, I'll check the library." Said Milena, "Wait for me,"

"I will." Said Claire as she delicately packed all the articles of clothing she may need for the winter holidays into a bag.

Milena walked out of Gryffindor tower, down the steps, her wand now tucked into the pocket on her dress.

She walked quickly and opened the door to the library. She walked to where she usually studied and looked beneath the table, she sighed when her hunt was ultimately fruitless, and turned to see Tom Riddle raising an eyebrow at her.

He'd never seen her like this before. And for a moment he wondered just how different she was with her family. Her wild hair was caged in a bun and only a few loose strands framed her face. He preferred it down.

"Have you seen my necklace? The gold one with the cross?" She asked as she turned back to the table, looking for and glint of gold,

"You mean this one?" He asked, pulling it from his pocket, "I found it this morning." Lie

"Thank you, how can I repay you?"

"I have some ideas."

she took the necklace from him gratefully and their fingers even brushed as she took it from him.

"Thank you so much, honestly I'm not sure what my Abuelita would have done if she saw me without it." Said Milena, "You just saved me from her pouting. I love her but when she pouts she sighs really loudly just to let you know she's nearby and in pain. But I do the same thing so who am I to judge."

She was attaching the golden chain around her neck, he then looked her up and down, she looked undeniably pretty. It was never really what he noticed about her. But there she was in a red dress. It complimented her deep skin tone and brought out her eyes.

"Are you wearing heeled shoes?" He asked,

"Yes. Madre says that a lady's presence should be announced the second she walks into the room. I mean, I do love the sound heels make on the floor but they are so uncomfortable." Said Milena,

"Are you different with your family?" He asked, and she nodded,

"Please, I'm different with the different sides of my family." She said, "Half Spanish, half Cuban, two very different cultures just the same language. Are you staying for the Holidays?"

"Yes." He replied, "It's always dreadfully boring in the castle."

"I'll stay then, can't let you're brain rot away with no stimulation. Or better yet, why don't we stop talking all together?"

"Well I'm about to go face the boy who stood me up at my quinces, and sent his brother as a stand in. So I'm not about to go have a good time either." Said Milena, "Does that make you feel any better?"

"Much." Said Tom,

"I don't want to deal with him." She said,

"You could always stay here." Said Tom but Milena shook her head.

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