1. Under the Moonlit Sky

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After the laughter ceased, there was a long silence. On the rooftop of that building we sat, not knowing what to say to each other, or rather, we just enjoyed the silence in each other's company.

And then I thought that would it be great if we could make something out of this connection?

"Killua?" I started. I was calm at first but when he hummed and tilted his head to my direction to ask me what, my heart started accelerating uncontrollably. "What would you do if I told you. . . that I started liking someone?" I stared ahead, up above, I sought for the clouds because I can't look at him. The fact that I can't predict his answer makes me even more nervous.

"Well, that would be a problem," he answered. I looked at him, a little shock and confused at his answer. I stared at him, not knowing if I should continue or not while he stared at the sky. But I wasn't able to reply because he spoke, "That would be a problem. . . unless," then he looked at me in the eyes and finally said, ". . . unless the person you like is me."

My heart began hammering faster. Blood rushed to my cheeks. And I can feel my temperature rising. His eyes twinkled under the moonlight which made him even more attractive in my eyes.

However, I broke the eye contact. My heart can't possibly win that staring contest. So, I stared at my lap and said, "Then there would be no problem," I said and looked above. The numerous stars reminded me of how his eyes twinkled just earlier. "Because the person I like is you."

"Then would you go out with me?" the question came in an instant after I finished my statement. It was eager and hopeful. I looked back at the silverette and found him staring at me, expectant of an answer. But even if how badly I wanted to answer him, I needed to make sure first.

So, I asked, "Why?"

The single-word question threw him off. He quickly took off his eyes from me and scratched the back of his head while he looked at the other side. "Do I really have to say it? I mean it's pretty obvious. I won't ask you out in the first place if the feeling's not mutual," he said but I stayed silent, looking at him and waiting for his answer. He gave me a sideway glance, sensing that I have been quiet and was expectant for an answer.

"You just wanted to hear me say it, don't you?" he asked, smirking at me like he solved some kind of difficult puzzle.

I smirked back and looked directly at his eyes, "Mayb–."

"I love you." he cut me off. "Y/N, I love you." and I felt my heart skip a beat.

I stared into his beautiful blue orbs as his statement sunk into my whole being. I covered my face with a hand as I felt myself blushing a bright red and just looked at the other direction, not wanting him to see my flushed face.

"O-Oi. . ! What kind of reaction is that?" he asked, totally embarrassed after he just confessed. "Geez, after I just confessed wholeheartedly–"

"YES!" I suddenly exclaimed, not being able to contain myself. "I'd like to go out with you!" I faced him with a smile and a pink blush on my cheeks. And there, under the moonlight, I just witnessed how his pale face turned red.

Then he chuckled while covering his face, desperately trying to hide the blush. And it was the cutest thing he did and I witnessed in my life.

"W-What kind of reaction is that?" I asked, copying what he said before. "After I just gave you an answer. Hmpf!" I crossed my arms, pouted and swiped my head to the side.

His laughter started to cease and he let out a long breath. "Sorry. I was just so happy," I broke my immature act and looked at him. He was staring at the sky with a genuine smile. He looked refreshed and relieved.

It made a smile make its way on my face. Then he looked back at me and found me smiling at him. "Can I hold your hand?" his request caught me quite off guard but I granted it because all this time, I have wondered, how would it feel to hold his hand. He reached for my hand and entertwined it with his. "I've been wondering how would your hand feel against mine. It feels—"

"Warm," I said, rudely interrupting him.

He chuckled then held my hand tighter. "Yes, warm. . . soft and. . . electrifying."

I looked down at are linked hands. Electrifying he said. I giggled. But it's true. It's a weird tingling sensation occurring within the contact of our hand. Ahhh, I felt so fluffy inside. So this is how it feels to be holding hands with your boyfriend. It's so nice.

"Killua—" I raised my head, planning to tell him something. However, I stopped when I met his face. It was just so close, it's terrifying. He was just as shocked as I am. With neither of us breaking the silence of the night, we just found ourselves drowned in each other's eyes. Slowly, the distance between our faces was decreasing. The pull towards him was just so strong, I can't resist.

He cupped my cheek and tilted his head. Finally leaning in, he— *RING RING RING RING*

With the loud ringing of a phone, we snapped back to reality and immediately pulled away from each other.

"I-I. . . uh," Killua dug on his pocket in search for his phone with a little tint of blush on his cheeks.


"It's Gon!" he exclaimed then put him on speaker.


[Killua, where are you? We're already in front of your door.]

Killua scratched the back of his head and answered. I guess, he was as frustrated as I am. Well, we have the rest of our lives to make up for that one ruined moment. "Uh, sorry. We're on the rooftop. We'll get down right away!"

[Oh? You're with someone?]

Killua smiled as he looked lovingly at me. He gave my hand a little squeeze before saying, "Yes, with my girlfriend."


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