6. Afterschool With You

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I am in the Drama Club.

And guuurrlll, it's damn busy, alright. We have to come up with a stage play every month, from the script to props to costumes! Our school is pretty famous for this Drama Club though. A lot of famous actors and actresses were fruits of this club so we're pretty much funded and prioritized.

Being in this club is pretty tough though. We would always come home later than the other clubs for practices and costume, prop and stage prepping. And we would always take later than usual a week before the play. I don't even have friends outside the Drama Club because all my time is just enough for studying and the club itself.

However, in this club was where I met my boyfriend. He joined in his second year. He eventually quit after one play though because he's a star player in our national-level soccer team so, he must focus on one thing. And he admitted that he only joined to get my attention ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ in which he successfully did.

Then recently, I was picked as lead character for this month's play. Our advisors even decided to do a musical this time. And I had to stay behind to practice and perfect all my songs because I'd be singing like A LOT. I was busier than usual and I wasn't able to do other things because even my weekends are occupied.

That I could bear but having no time for your boyfriend is a whole lot different story.

Luckily, my boy is different from the others. He's very understanding. He didn't get mad because of this. Well, that's because he's the same situation as me. His soccer practice is also eating most of his time because they'll be competing for nationals again this year. At least he doesn't go home past 9:30 in the evening just like me.

Yes, you heard me right. My advisor, vocal coach and I stay in school until past 9:30 pm. Usually I'd be accompanied by others who have to practice their songs as well but they've be usually be dismissed earlier than me. Don't worry though, my father always fetches me from school.

Then one time, father got sick and nobody was to fetch me.

It was almost 10:30 pm when I got to the club room to get my stuff. My advisor offered me a ride home, knowing that my father was sick but I already told her that I'd be fetched by my brother instead. So, I waited in the club room alone for another 30 minutes but my phone just died and he's still wasn't here. So, I just decided to walk home. It's not like something's gonna happen to me, right?

I just got passed by the school gate, waving good bye to Mr. SchoolGuard then I suddenly felt that someone was following me. I got really scared, especially when I was about to go to the part of the street where it's very dark and quiet. My phone was not of any help because its battery was already dead.

So I just prayed that he won't be doing anything bad to me. Doing that, I clasped my hands and closed my eyes while walking in a fast pace. As a result I tripped over some rock that sent me flying and falling to the ground. And that's the time when I heard the footsteps nearing. My heart banged wildly in my chest and I quickly got up and went under a dim streetlight.

I stopped there and caught my breath. Then the sounds of the footstep just got even louder, suggesting that the person was really near. I decided not to ran anymore and just face the person. I've learned some self-defense from Killua so maybe it's the time to use it. So I shouted, "Who are you? Why are you following me?" then no answer came. "Show yourself coward!" And that's when I heard the voice that I just needed the most.

"Way to treat your man," and when he stepped into the light, I jumped onto him for a hug. I really thought that I'll be murdered or raped or anything. I was so relieved, I shouted, "Dummy, why'd you sneak up to me like that!!! You almost gave me a heart attack," then he just answered. "Just so you know, there was someone following you earlier so I got rid of him. You should be thankful," so I kissed him on the cheeks as a sign of my gratitude but he complained. "I saved your life and that's what I get?"

I pushed myself from him, looked away and crossed my arms. "You're lucky enough I get to kiss you in the cheeks. It's better than nothing! And I'm always the one who gives away kisses! It's sometimes unfair."

He neared me, and placed a hand on my cheek, making me look at him. There, I met the most dazzling of blue eyes, shining under a dim streetlight. I blushed, realizing that the pair of blue eyes belonged to my dearest boyfriend. I tried to look away but he held my face in position so I just let him see my flushed face, saying, "W-What?!" and he answered, "So you prefer being kissed?" and just like that, he smashed his lips into mine. I was really gonna protest but I was too late and I'm kind of happy that I didn't because the kiss was very gentle and passionate as he lead and dominate but it's almost teasing too as he constantly stops and moves away to smirk.

What a jerk?!

And it ended with a smack on his shoulder. I was like, "That's why I hate being kissed! You don't ask any permission and I always get surprised and my heart would go wild and my face would heat up!!!" and he was like, "I don't need any permission. You're my girl so you're practically mine, you know," I have nothing more to say because he's really got a point there so I just said, "Come on, take me home. My family must be worried." and I walked away without even waiting for his response.

He eventually caught up, saying, "But you liked it didn't you?"

"As if!"

That's what I replied but honestly, yes and I knew, he knew.

"Why are you wondering around here, anyway?" I asked. We're still walking down the road to my house. He still had his uniform on and his bag on his shoulder so he mustn't have gone home yet. He just answered cooly, "Okay, there's no point in hiding anymore," I looked at him confused but then he elaborated. "I actually don't left school until you're fetched by your father. But idiot as you are, you went off with no one."

"Aweeee, I'm so touched. You're so awesome. Thanks, Killua." even though he called me idiot. And he was like, "Stop it, you're embarrassing me!" and he would just swipe his head to the side to hide his blushing face. Man, he could kiss a girl with a smirk but he can't even stand a compliment.

"I'll be the one who'll be walking you home from now on and don't argue anymore because I really don't mind, okay?" he said and I didn't really argue with him as he said and I was like "Okay!" but suddenly he stated, "Just so you know, someone might kidnap you for ransom." I was really shocked hearing this, I said, "Why would someone do that?! I'm not rich you know!"

"But then you have me." he answered, nonchalantly. His family was apparently a millionaire and I just learned that just recently so it kinda made sense.

But who would do that, though? They'll be literally facing hell if I was touched. What can I say? My boy is kind of possessive *flips hair*.

"But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you," he said casually while looking ahead. AHHHHH!!! I can feel myself blushing, he was so cool just now. "Anyways, you'll star the play next week right?"

"Yeah..." thinking about that suddenly made me nervous.

"Do your best. I'll be watching. I even invited my whole team," he gave me a sideway glance and smiled.

"Ahhh! That would be embarrassing!!!" I exclaimed, smacking him on the shoulder.

He chuckled, "I know right! They'll be teasing me about you nonstop!"

"Then why'd you invite them (¬、¬)!!!"

"It's a great chance to show you off. I'll flaunt you off so bad that they'd be so jealous they don't have a girlfriend as talented and as adorable as you are!"

×\\\\× 👈 this is me losing it after he said that.

oneshots || KILLUA IS NOT A TSUNDERE!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum