9. Cafe Encounters

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"Oh no," the girl muttered as she ran through the sidewalk full of people. It's been like the fifth time that new teacher asked me to stay behind. I'm now starting to think that he's interested in me.

"Excuse me please," she asked softly as she pushed herself through the crowd. It's currently rush hour, that's why people are flooding the sidewalks and the cars on roads. If that new teacher hadn't asked her to stay behind though, then she would be just in schedule to avoid this rush hour and arrive at her part-time work, even with a few minutes to spare.

If only I could tell him to stop making me stay behind.

With a huff of relief, finally, Y/N reached the building. She scurried to the back door, worrying that her manager might be angry af. When she got in, fortunately no one was at the back room. She then locked the doors, immediately put her things away in her locker and got dressed for work.

The moment that she was buttoning up her uniform, multiple awful and aggressive knocks was heard from the door that leads to the kitchen.

"Uh, just a moment please," she called out as she was doing the last two buttons. When she's finished, she immediately opened the door, only to be greeted by a fuming manager.

"You're 30 minutes late, Y/N!" the manager shut the door behind his back and shouted at her. He was a man around his early 20s and boy, he sure does hate tardy employees.

"I'm so sorry Manager!" Y/N bowed down in apology. "I got caught up in rush hour," she was telling the truth but the manager thought of it as a lame excuse that's been overused for the past days.

"With that excuse again! It's been five consecutive days! Get a grip, Y/N! If you haven't starred the popularity poll everytime then I wouldn't even think twice to fire you!" Mr. Manager pointed a finger on her forehead, as if trying to drill that into her brain.

"I'm really sorry, Manager. I'll work overtime with no overtime pay to make it up to you," Y/N bowed lower, hoping that she'll be forgiven.

The manager scoffed, "You better be." Then he turned his back on her and opened the door. "Hurry, customers are looking for you."

"Yes, manager," she bowed one last time before tailing before him inside the kitchen.

Y/N was about to go and serve the customers, but the Manager called out to her one last time. "Here," he said as he placed a glass of water on her tray full of orders. "See the guy on Table 9?" the manager asked and she nodded. He's become a regular like just a week ago. Y/N thought, glancing at the guy. "He haven't ordered yet so give him the glass of water," and with that, Y/N took off.

He's been sitting there for about 30 minutes. He comes around the time that Y/N's shift starts. And he only orders if she takes his orders. It's pretty obvious that he's taken interest in her. But I have to make sure. The manager thought, watching from the counter where the orders are sent out.

The guy that he's talking about was sitting alone on Table 9, scrolling through his phone as he waited for her. Is she gonna turn up or is she gonna turn up?

And as if his thoughts has been heard, the one he's been waiting for, finally turned up, "Good evening, Sir!" the guy almost dropped his phone in surprised. "Are you ready to order from the infamous Not-So-Fabulous Cafe?" she smiled at the guy.

"I, uh..." he cleared his throat. "I'm uh, waiting for a friend," he lied.

"Then here's a glass of water for you Sir while you wait for your friend. Just call anyone if you're ready to order. See you around!" and with that, Y/N left and tended to the other customers' need.

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