Chapter 1

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  Hi, everyone! Just came to give a little beginning note here. Um, first thing's first... DON'T KILL ME BECAUSE GILBERT'S NOT ON THE COVER, OK?! NOT EVERYONE IS A FANGIRL OF GIL!!! I'm trying to make everyone happy... It'd probably make most of you happy if Gil were on the cover XD Anyway, um, one last thing...Disclaimer: I don't own Pandora Hearts.

(P.S. I'm going with the name Vessalius instead of Bezarius for Oz. If you've seen it both ways, cool. If not, then whatever.)

(f/c) = Favorite Color

a(n) = A or An, depending on the next letter

(y/n) = Your Name

(f/n) = Fake Name

(e/c) = Eye Color


They... Can't be... It's not true. It's not true, it's not true, it's not true! You're lying!

  You whistled as you strolled along the dirt path. Your black combat boots stirred up the dirt, which got your (f/c) leggings filthy. Meh, you didn't care. You still got a grey cloak, right? You also wore a(n) (f/c) shirt with a(n) (f/c) skirt. OK, so where are you heading again? Ah, yes, the Vessalius Mansion. You had accepted the task of kidnapping a human-looking Chain, and you were allowed to use violence if needed. Hidden in your right boot you had a dagger, and then in a secret pocket of your cloak was a pistol. You were armed and ready to go! Oh, wait, the guy did say there was an obstacle or two... One of them being Gilbert Nightray. If his master, Oz Vessalius, ordered him to do something, chances are, he'd do it. Since Oz has a close bond with your target, you had several options: Gain their trust, strike at night, or just barge in and hope for the best! Since you were up for some excitement, you picked the last choice. You pulled your hood over your face as you saw the destination up ahead. After a quick scan of the exterior, you made your game plan... Bust through a window and shoot up the place! OK, so you weren't really going to shoot it up... You just had to cross your fingers and hope that Gilbert wasn't around! If your information is correct, only he and Xerxes Break are armed. You might only be a fifteen-year-old girl, but you were pretty skilled with fighting. And besides, if you got caught, you'd be fine! Who's cruel enough to hit a poor little girl, right? Pfft, poor... You snuck up to a window, waited for the right moment, and then... CRASH! You smashed through the window. Well, if anyone's sleeping-in late, they're up now! Now you just gotta run all over the place, tie up the Chain and make like a banana split! You ran through the mansion, and it wasn't long before you ran into a girl... Not the Chain, though. This one wore a dress and a bow in her hair. She was shocked to see you running past.

  "Good morning!" You greeted, continuing to run. What? If you're gonna do the job, might as well have some fun, right? You pranced down another hallway and ran into one of the obstacles: Gilbert Nightray. OK, quick pause! Read this real quick:


  We good? Good. OK, back to the book! You and the Nightray immediately pulled out your guns at the same time. That man looks dead serious!

  "Not much of the merciful type, eh?" You asked with a grin. The man gritted his teeth and rested his finger on the trigger.

  "Wait, Gil!" A voice called. It appeared to be Oz Vessalius, Head of the Vessalius House. Your grin widened as you saw the target with him. The Chain... "Who are you?" Oz asked.

  "Who am I?" You repeated. "I am just about the greatest hunter around, (f/n)!" You aimed your gaze at your target. "And it just happens to be your lucky day, Chain, because you're the target." Oz growled.

"Who hired you?" He demanded. You replied with a cackle.

"You're so dumb sometimes, Vessalius!" You joked. "Why do you expect me to give out answers?"

  "Because you're surrounded." A voice said from behind. You gave them a glare, and it turned out to be the other obstacle, Xerxes Break, and the girl in the dress. You finally remembered who she was.

  "Ah, my apologies!" You apologized sarcastically. "I didn't realize this was the Lady Sharon Rainsworth. How rude of me just to run by."

  "Under Pandora authority, (f/n), you're under arrest." Break said with a smile. You chuckled and pulled out your dagger.

  "I don't think so, Hatter." You growled. Break's smile turned upside-down as he readied his sword. Break's probably figured that you know too much. Better be careful around him, eh? "So, is this turning into a fight?" You asked. "Too bad, because I don't have time for that." You aimed your gun at Sharon, glaring into her unnatural pink eyes. "Now then, if you don't want anyone to die, then I suggest you just give me the Chain and I can walk merrily out." Break stood protectively in front of Ms. Rainsworth.

  "You're not going anywhere." He said. "You're going to be questioned, and we're going to find out exactly what you know." You laughed, lowering your gun.

  "Oh, really?" You asked. "Then in that case, I guess I should just surrender..." Almost immediately after finishing your sentence, you reached for a smoke bomb in your cloak, deployed it, and blocked everyone's vision. You swiftly made it through, leaving the disgruntled Pandora agents behind. As you stealthily watched them as they decided to split up and search, you took that chance to run and try this again next time. Probably with a stealthier approach, huh? As soon as you turned around, though, your face met with an extremely rock solid... Hand fan? You fell onto your back, watching as everything grew blurry and disappeared into blackness... You, the best hunter, were just defeated by a hand fan. Real professional, champ! You slowly regained your senses, and upon examination, you were in an interrigation room. No doubt about where you are now, hmm? The room had a concrete floor and grey stone brick walls. No windows. Hmph, how bland... After a while, two men entered the room. One being Xerxes Break and the other was unknown. You were tied to a metal chair, in front of a metal table. On the other side was another metal chair, where the Pandora member sat. He looked rather unfriendly... He was bald with a clean-shaven face, and his brown eyes looked stone cold. Break dropped a file on the table.

  "About time we've caught you." He said with his usual smile. "Pandora's been hunting you down for quite a while now." You chuckled.

"Ask all you want, I'm not talking." You stated.

  "You don't need to." The staff member said. "We'll be talking to you..." You nervously watched as he opened the folder, and displayed what was hidden inside.

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