Chapter 7

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-- Mini time skip brought to you by an kawaii Bakugo --

Today is the first day of school. I can't wait! Me and Cat are teaching the same class, 1-A. This is going to be exciting! Cat is under his desk sleeping in his bright yellow sleeping bag - I learned that it was a birthday gift from Mic! Awww - and I'm in a hammock that I installed in the ceiling.

Then the students came in. It was a few at first, then they cluttered in, not seeing me. I smirk as Uraraka walked in. For a prank, I have a water balloon full of vinegar, ready to drop. As soon as she stepped in, I dropped it.

I snickered quietly as she screamed. Her scream ended up dragging attention to her and having Cat wake up from his nap. Shit. I try to hide myself in my hammock as I heard Cat's angry footsteps come towards me.

"Zuku, if you don't come down there right now, I'll ban your tea privileges." "What?! No!" I shouted trying to untangle myself from the hammock, then I ended up face planting on the ground.

"Izuku, you clumsy price of shi-" I run and cover my boyfriends mouth. "Shhh! There are children in the room!" Both Bakugo and Cat sigh.

The rest of the class looked at us weirdly. I shrug, "What?" They went back to their desks.

As Cat gave them their pe uniforms and directions the locker room, I walk outside with Shota following me shortly.

Did I mention that I have a suppressed natural quirk? Well, now you do, it is like AFO's. (I'm not calling him my father.) Actually, it is almost exactly like his quirk. Instead of stealing someone's quirk, I make my own, and you want to know e first quirk I made? A no drawback quirk, now I don't have drawbacks to other quirks besides tiredness when I over use one. Interesting right? I thought so. And the funny part was that it manifested on Kacchan's birthday.

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