Antiseptiplier HERE!!!

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     (A/N: I tried to think of a good word for the opposite of away but I failed miserably. I hope you enjoy though!)

          Two well known dark entities watch their insufferable counter parts as they snuggle and cuddle with one another, causing them to gag and make other frightening, disgusted noises. Then, Dark notices Anti staring at his pair's ass in an extremely uncomfortable way. Anti grins devilishly, a sinister scheme developing in his twisted mind. Dark glares at him, "I swear to Satan, if you even th-!" He's cut off short when his behind is slapped with an unbelievable amount of force, followed by an insane burst of laughter. "You really do want me to set your ass on fire, don't you?" Dark threatens through his teeth. "Aww, 'cmon Darkie... you wouldn't do that to me!" Anti replies innocently. "Like HELL i won't!" Dark grabs Anti by the collar of his hoodie. "Will you two shut your fookin' mouths! We're trying to sleep here!" Jack cuts into their argument. "Then why don't you tell your idiot ego to keep his disgusting hands to himself!" Dark complains. "Why don't you just solve your problem like you always do, with sex." Mark groggily responds. Anti grins, tugging on Dark's sleeve, "Shall we?" Dark shoves Anti away, only to be shoved out of the room by Jack and Mark. "You actually do something I like for once." Anti says to his other half. "Just get your happy ass out of here!" Jack retorts. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" Dark's struggle is heard from outside the door. Soon after, Jack and Mark are awoken in the midst of their slumber, covering their ears with their pillows. 

Markiplier, CrankGamePlays, and Jacksepticeye SmutsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя