Requests? (Septiplier)

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     (Jack's POV) (A/N: I'd like to give a shout out to someone, she has helped me bring this story to life and she is the one who'd gotten me into Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. Please go check out her profile and read her stories. I hope you enjoy our creation!) 

     Mark and I had just finished the live stream where we announced that we're dating. Now, we're sitting on the couch cuddling together as we read the comments that fly by telling us goodbye. Mark's arm is wrapped around my waist holding me close to him as I rest my head on his chest while he reads out the comments. After a while I start to space out, barely paying attention to the comments, and start to wonder if coming out was such a good idea. As the comments slow down I am able to notice some hate comments. Normally hate doesn't bother me but I'm feeling very anxious so it really hurt me. My anxiety takes over me blocking out Mark's voice and filling my head with every possible negative thought.

'Maybe this wasn't a good idea.'

'What if people stop watching us and we can't do Youtube anymore?' 

'Is everything going to be the same or everything about to change?'

'What if Mark and I breakup?' 

'How will that affect the fans? Did we just ruin our lif-'

"Sean! Are you okay?" I am pulled out of my thoughts by Mark's voice filled worry.I looked up at Mark as he wiped away tears from my cheeks that had apparently escaped my eyes at some point. Mark then pulls me into his lap so he could look at me properly. "Sean you know you can tell me anything right?" Mark says, his voice full of concern and love. " I-Its just wh-... what if this was a bad idea?" I managed to stutter out. "Oh Sean," he pulls me into a tight hug "of course it was! And if it wasn't and something does actually happen then I will be right here with you no matter what." I pull back from the hug and put my forehead against his with a soft smile on my face. "Thank you Mark. That's just what I needed to hear." I say softly as my anxiety melted away. "I love you so much" "I love you two Mark"

          (The Next Day, 3rd person POV)

 "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!" "And welcome back to Septiplier."

     "Today, we're going to take requests from our very own, loving audience. Now then, type away." Mark begins. 

User: Have you two kissed yet? If not, will you demonstrate?

Sean burns up, they hadn't kissed yet! Whilst Mark is answering the viewer's question, he ambushes his partner's lips, wanting to get it over with (See picture). As if forgetting they were being watched, Mark deepens the kiss turning a simple peck to a full blown make-out session. After what seemed like an eternity to the lovers, was only about 15 seconds. Sean pushes Mark away, curling himself into a ball of shame. Mark rolls his eyes and ruffles Sean's hair with care. "Onto the next one i guess." Mark turns back to the screen. 

User: What are your kinks?

Sean perks up immediately, "MARK HAS A DADDY KINK!" "And you have a pain kink!" Mark shoots back. "T-that's only because of Anti!" Sean tries to defend himself. "Right, so that means mine comes from Dark, even though they are an extension of us and not the other way around." Mark replies sarcastically. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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