chapter 3- idiots

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So wattpad had been mean to me since a few days ago, it deleted this fuckin chapter multiple times, and it got me sooooo pissed that I had to do it again while my phone is lagging -_- IT MADE ME CRY FOR SEVERAL DAYS YA KNOW T-T

Edit: So i cried over this? HoW dIsApPoiNting.
3rd Person's P.O.V.

"Here we are~" The8 sang, it made Lisa cover ears in annoyance

"Shut it your voice keeps on cracking! God, My ear drums will be broken soon" Lisa hissed

The8 rolled his eyes, "Oh look who's talking! The woman who always visit the lousy, loud and noisy bar owned by one of her friends! woah!!" he letted out sarcastically.
Lisa scoffed, flipping her hair.
"I've been practicing since 3 years ago ya' knoww" he added

".. Well... Those 3 years of yours must've been a waste" Lisa tsked "I pity you" she added before heading to God Knows Where

"Uhh... Asshole? Where are you going??" The8 asked

"Obviously the farm idiot" Lisa answered

"Hello?? It's up there!" The8 pointed at the top of the hill

"Wait what?? Say it again" Lisa demanded folding her arms

"It's up there??" The8 repeated his words

"Nope, not that"


"No, before that"

"Where are you going--"

"Tut tut tut, before THAT"

"Asshole? that?"

"Yes, THAT" Lisa shot a glare at him

"What about it?"

"I should be the one who'll call you that, not YOU calling me that."


Lisa cutted him off again "I'm fine with Ahjjushi or anything, But don't EVER call me an Asshole, Alright?"

"What are you suddenly blabberi--"

Lisa once again cutted him off "And I should be the only one, I mean ONLY I SHOULD CALL YOU THAT, not even your brothers, or anyone you know, but me, Arasseo?"

Lisa's words left The8 dumbfounded, Even her, Lisa, herself was dumbfounded too by her own words.

(Did I just write that?? Well hell yeah I did... o_O)

"Let's... just... uh... go..." The8 quietly said

"Yeah! yeah, we should" Lisa agreed making her way to the wooden stairs, as The8 followed her behind instead.

While taking step by steps on the stairways, Lisa kept on mumbling things that she didn't even notice a small, smooth, and shiny pebble (The fq..) below her.

She accidentally stepped on it making her sqeal loudly, closing her eyes tightly, waiting to feel the hard surfaces of the stair case before her.

"bwoya?" She asked herself when she felt nothing but a slender arm around her waist. By that, she slowly opened her eyes meeting two dark orbs.

Then there... Everything around them suddenly stopped..

"What's happening??" Lisa thought "Why did everything suddenly stop?" 

Lisa's negative thoughts kept on waving on her mind.

"Ehem.." The8 awkwardly fake coughed cutting Lisa off her thoughts.

Lisa's eyes widen as she looked at their position- It looked like they were in a romantic scene from a movie.

"Bro.. the fuck is happening in here.." The two soon avoided eye contact when a voice interrupted their 'Romantic' Moment.

Lisa glared at The8, and didn't even care to lay eyes on the guy who just came in between them

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME YOU DIRTY WIMP! UGHH~ IM GONNA DIE!" she shouted making The8 lift her up on her feet slowly

Lisa's eyes furrowed, whiping off the imaginary dirt from her dress



"Well, you should've said it nicely--"

"So..... am I a ghost now or what?.." The two snapped their heads to a guy who was just standing two staircases above them

Lisa's eye brows furrows, looking at the guy "and who are you?" she asked

"Who else? Minghao's brother duhh" the guy rolled his eyes

"Pshh.. And who says you're my brother, Seokmin?" asked The8

" 'the fuck is Minghao??" Lisa furiously asked

"The guy that you've been flirting with latel--"

"EHEYYY! Whatsapp!!" The three filched as they heard voices slowly coming towards them

"What took you so long, Hao?" one of them asked, eyeing Lisa from up to down.

"Don't ask me.." The8 sighed mentally face palming.

"so.. What was happening before we came here?" One of the guys asked

Seokmin immediately headed behind the man's back, and didn't even care when he almost slipped lately. Clinging his hands around his arms as he says "JAEHYUN HYU--"

"Shut it, Seokmin. I told you not to call me 'Hyung', you're only four days younger after my Mom gave birth to me from her womb"

Seokmin pouted, letting go.

"Had someone ever told you that you have the most ugliest pout ever?" Lisa ignorantly asked him, folding her arms

"Psh! Yah! Had someone ever told you that you look like a slut with that VERY SHORT cycling??" Seokmin rased his eye brows hiding his offended self.

"YAH!" Lisa yelled... then the two basically ended up bickering, leaving the others be the audience.

"So.. Eunwoo Hyung... Is she the rich ass someone that needs to stay in the farm for 3 months?" An innocent looking guy nudged the man beside him while looking at Lisa and Seokmin argue.

"Hm.. She is.." The guy, whos name is Eunwoo answered also looking at the two.

"She looks scary.."

"More like a brat, I hate her already"

"pst! Mingyu-ah! stop being so immature"

"What??" Mingyu acted innocent

"YOU KNOW WHAT?? I HATE IT HERE! THIS IS RIDICULOUS!" on the other side, the two finally finished bickering as Lisa marched up the stairs furiously, ignoring the presence of the guys.

"Wow!! She's cool!" Bambam suddenly exclaimed looking at her back until her figure disappears

"Cool? You call that cool??? I'm cooler!" Jungkook held up his arms, flexing his biceps




i forgot my wattpad pass, another prob was added :'>

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