Chapter 3 - The Unbelievable Happenings

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"Don't you know about it? Well everyone here does. Where are you from?" Asked the boy.

"I am from India." He answered “Actually I am an American but I was born in India."

"Oh! I get it. My name is Ben, Ben Collin." Said the boy.

"I am Aron Smith" he introduced himself.

"Pleasure to meet you" said Ben.

"Thank you" Aron said "You got a tell me everything about that house. Like why is it called the horror house?"

"All right but first let's go to a good place to talk. I suggest going to Otto's Place. It's a good place to munch on some food and talk. It's just across the river Galena." Ben said.

"Sounds good. Let’s go." Said Aron.

"Do you own a bicycle?" Ben asked.

“No" he answered “I don’t.”

"Then we have to walk till there." Ben said and got down from his bicycle.

They were both having fun talking about each other until they reached their destination and Aron remembered something.

"I forgot I don't have any money yet!" He said in dismay.

"No problem, I can pay your bill. My mother gives me a lot of pocket money." Ben said.

"Thanks Ben. I can't believe that we just met 10 minutes ago and we are so good friends already." Aron said.

"We both are actually quite alike. So that doesn't surprise me." Said Ben.

They gave an order of two cream rolls and took a seat. Soon both the boys were engaged in a talk while munching their cream rolls.

"Tell me Ben, why do they call it the horror house?" Aron asked.

"Well, the start is from a lady one day who was traveling at late night." He launched into the story. "I know this story because she is our neighbor. She was on her foot to her home when she was distracted by a terrible noise from that abandoned house. At first, she thought that it was some sort of trick her brain was playing on her but when she was about to leave, she suddenly froze from terror. She says she heard a ghostly voice saying 'You are on my place and I shall punish you the next instant if you don’t leave' and then came an ugly ghostly laugh from inside. She was so scared that she ran towards her house."

"That's it?" Aron asked.

"No, there is more." He said “One day some people of the town noticed smoke coming out of the house through chimney and the gaps between the doors and the windows of the house. Since no one lived in the house, the people felt sure that the house was on fire from inside. The police and the fire rangers were soon there but even after breaking in they didn't find any fire. Not even a thing which could make some embers.

"That sure is queer." said Aron

"The strangest story isn't even from those what I told you" said Ben "A small boy once entered the property in day light, never returned. His family was so worried that they started to search him. Till then no one knew that he went in that house.”

“Then what happened to the boy? Was he ever found?”

“Yes, they found him on the river bank of Galena the very next day. The last thing he told he saw was after entering the property he saw a ghostly figure and fainted the next moment. After that everyone calls that house a horror house."

"Well I had a strange experience with that house as well." Aron said.

"What!" Ben exclaimed

"Yes" Said Aron “I was—"

Suddenly the woman on the counter fainted!

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