Chapter 8 - Helper or Stranger?

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Aron was quick to react and turned himself around pulling his arm away from the man. The man was shocked with this quick reaction and had no other option but to leave his hand.

"Who are you?" Asked Aron "What do you want?"

"That mask you have belongs to me." Said the man "I have a right to call the police for the crime you have committed."

"That mask isn't stolen. It's ours." Said Ben.

At that moment the Ms. Hooper addressed the situation. She said "Mr. Valentine, please calm down. I am sure that these children didn't steal this mask."

"Yes, we didn't." Said Aron.

"Let me have a look at the mask. Then I can prove that it is mine, if it is." Valentine said. He looked at the mask for some time carefully. His expressions changed rapidly as if he was thinking something. Aron didn't like the look on his face for some reason. Finally, the man said, "I am sorry boys. Though this mask looks identical to the one which was stolen from me it's not the same."

"No problem." Said Ben, though very unhappy for the man jumping straight to conclusions and accusing the boys for the theft.

"Well that solves the confusion." Said the woman, heading back to the reception.

"I am sorry once again boys." Said Mr. Valentine "I know I can say sorry by paying your bill."

"Well, you need not do that." Said Aron

"I should for what I did. Please boys." Requested the man.

Before Aron could say something, Ben who loved eating said "It's ok if you request." But Aron was lost in thoughts. He was not at all convinced with the man suddenly being so nice and paying their bill. But since Ben already accepted the man's offer, Aron remained silent. Then a thought struck to him. Why did this man have the mask of the same sort of the man who mentioned the mask as 'key'?

He was quick in asking to speak before the man could head to pay for the bill. "We can accept your request only on one condition. Tell us how did that thief steal your mask." He received a questioning glance from Ben. Aron gave him an assuring look.

The man hesitated "Why would you like to know about the theft of my mask?" He questioned.

Aron handled it smartly "I am a huge fan of mysteries Mr. Valentine. I also love knowing about them. You can ask Ben if you wish."

The man gave a questioning glance to Ben. Ben wasn't sure what was happening and nodded in the reply.

The man again hesitated and looked into the space for several seconds before answering them. "Ok, but first let's sit."

Both the boys rounded up around the table near the reception but the man walked past them and sat on one of the tables in the corner of the cafe. Both the boys wondered about the strange actions of the man but ignored their thoughts and sat with the man.

"Ok, now listen to me carefully." Said Mr. Valentine "This is confidential but as an apology of my mistake I am giving this information to you. People think that I am a writer but actually I am an undercover police agent."

"An agent!!" Both the boys exclaimed, with a control in their voices so the others could not hear them.

"I have been working on a case to recover some wooden masks and other artifacts robbed from the museum. Well yours is not among them." Said the man, sipping some water.

Ben just opened his mouth to speak something when Aron hit him with his foot and shot a glance for him to stay quiet. The agent didn't notice these actions as he was looking out of the window. Suddenly he got up and dashed for the door. Before he went out, he told the boys "Don't worry about the mask and stay away from The Horror House."

The boys were shocked, neither of them mentioned about The Horror House.

Aron and The Mysterious MaskWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu