Chapter 12- Aron's plan

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It was the morning time when a convertible roared across the streets of Galena. The driver of the car was Arthur Woonton accompanied by his wife Mary Woonton and on the back seat was the young boy Aron Smith. All of them were very happy but Aron showed some extra excitement than the others.

"I still doubt that if Mr. Collin would agree." Said Aunt Mary, a bit nervousness on her face.

"Don't worry dear." Replied the young man "He is a very old friend of mine and I doubt that he would say no to such a great offer."

"I hope so" Said Aunt Mary. The convertible was now nearing to the Collin's House. It was then parked in the driveway of the beautiful house which was partially burnt and soon they were inside the Collin's House. At first, Ben was totally surprised to see the Woontons along with Aron visiting them. When Aron revealed the Reason for their visit to Ben, first he was surprised but then he was very excited.

Ben was so happy now that he could now give a hug to Aron but that is when both the children were called in by their Parents and Guardians. Aron could tell by the smile on Uncle Arthur's face that Mr. Collin has agreed but Aron had to still ask this, "What is it Uncle Arthur?"

"As it was planned, Mr. and Mrs. Collin have accepted our request to stay at our house for the rest of the days until It's clear out here." Said Uncle Arthur.

"Thanks a lot Arthur and you too Aron." Said Mr. Collin "I hear from your Uncle that it was your Idea to let us all stay at your house."

"Yes, it was." Replied Aron "You have to shift somewhere to be safe, it would be good to move to our house. Since you all were so disappointed about going to your farmhouse, I thought of this." Aron was patted on his back by his Uncle.

Aron was helping out his friend in packing. His Uncle and Aunt left already saying that they had to prepare rooms for the new comers in the house. It was in the evening that everyone noticed how much time did this packing take when they completed it. Soon the Collin's car was loaded and the house was locked. When everyone was seated including Aron, Mr. Collin suggested "Let's buy ourselves something from Hooper's Kitchen. I don't know about you all but I am starving.

An hour later everyone was at the Woonton house after having a supper. They all started unpacking the suitcases from the car.

Ben with the help of Aron put a cover over the Collin's car and joined everyone inside the house. Everyone was having a talk inside. Both the men of the house were having a talk, sitting on the sofa whereas the ladies were in the kitchen preparing for the late dinner. It was when everyone had their dinner and seated themselves back on to the couches that Aunt Mary remembered something and exclaimed, "Oh no!"

"What happened Mary?" Asked Uncle Arthur

"I almost forgot to tell you all." Said the lady "We have no rooms for Ben. It would not be a problem generally but since one of the rooms needs repairs to be done so, we have no extra room for now."

"It's not a problem at all Aunty." Said Aron "Ben can share my room until he's here. All we need to do is to arrange a bed in my room."

"I can fix that." Said Uncle Arthur "We have an extra bed in our store room. It would need a bit of cleaning and It's going to be as good as new."

"Great idea." Said Ben "It's totally fine for me to share the room with Aron."

Both the Collin's did not seem to have any objections at all either. It took a little longer than expected but the room was now ready for Aron's mate to accompany him. It was already late and everyone was tired due to the busy day so it wasn't hard for the elders to fall asleep whereas Aron, who experienced the same tiredness, was finding it hard to fall asleep as he was having a talk with his friend.

"It's really very strange. I mean whatever is happening in the 'Horror House'. Don't the people here ever want to find out what's happening there?" Asked Aron.

"They do, but most of them are too scared to go in or near it." Replied Ben. "Why don't you sleep now? It's very late and we have to wake up early and run over to my house."

"But why?" Asked Aron

"I just realized when I was unpacking my bag that I forgot some of my important things at home." He replied.

"If they were that important than how did you forget to get them?" Asked Aron.

"I don't know." He replied, again "By the way, are you not asking too many questions Aron."

"Am I?" Aron asked, again.

"Not again. What's wrong with you? Why are you asking questions again and again?"

"I think I am over excited" He replied

"By what?" Ben asked.

"By your arrival. I think so." Aron replied "And now you are asking me too many questions. Let's sleep. I have a feeling that we would need it."

"What do you mean?" Ben Asked, again.

"Nothing." He replied "Good Night."

But Aron had no idea that this night was no good for him. He was asleep when suddenly there was a Crash outside!

Ben and Aron woke up by this noise. They both asked each other what had happened which clarified that none of them had an idea of what happened. They both ran out of their room on the stairs when suddenly Aron slipped and he fell down on ben who was in the lead and both of them smashed their faces onto the ground. Though the grownups were not awake till now, this incident of the boys falling down from the stairs made enough noise to wake them.

"What happened boys?" Mr. Collin asked. "How did you both fall from the stairs?"

"I don't know. At first, I was getting down the stairs and the next movement I smashed my face onto the ground." Ben replied.

"It was me Mr. Collin." Aron said "I slipped on the stairs and knocked out Ben as well, who was ahead me."

"But what was the need for you guys to get down the stairs?" Asked Mrs. Collin

Both the boys explained about the crash sound they heard and their eagerness to know what happened which resulted in the crash. Till now the Woontons joined the situation as well. They had confused looks on their face until they were told about what happened. Both the boys were given a brief lecture to walk slowly and properly on the stairs till their mind was diverted to another sound of crash.

"What was that sound?" Uncle Arthur asked.

"It's the same sort of crash sound which we heard but a bit louder this time." Ben Said.

"Do you think we must go see it. I mean what's the source of the sound of this crash?" Aunt Mary asked to Uncle Arthur.

"I don't see any harm in it but it could be dangerous so kids, stay—" before Uncle Arthur could complete, both the boys ran towards the gate.

"I think they knew what you were going speak do they ran away before you could complete." Mr. Collin said grinning.

"Let's go out as well." Uncle Arthur Suggested.

When everyone reached out catching up to Aron, they were horrified. In front of them there was a van moving very fast on the road straight towards Ben!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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