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Amanda and Bridget left together to the school field where cheerleading practice took place.

They sat on a long bench with there eyes forward, staring at nothing. Silent, listening to the chattering of students who were at a distant.

"I broke up with Max." Bridget's voice pierced the silence between them.

"What!" Amanda exclaimed, turning her stare to her friend,whose eyes were still fixed ahead. "Why? I mean, you guys were the highlight of romance when he was still at Sultan High and even when he went to College. I remember I always, and still wish, I was in your shoes."

"Amanda, you won't fit in these shoes. Besides, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride on them."

"Ok, please tell me what happened."

This time facing Amanda, she said. "Babe, I'm picking the pieces of my shattered heart. I had never imagined leaving Max, ever. Despite the distance, we still connected and he made me believe he would come back for me. But it was all a lie."

She pause to rub off the tears on her cheek. "Three weeks ago, I video called him as always, he didn't pick the first two times it rang which was odd, the third time he picked. We spoke for a while then later, the conversation got weird. He said he's moving on and that he is now engaged. I didn't want to believe it at first even though it came from the horse's mouth, I thought it was a prank but then, I got convinced when I heard a lady calling his name from his room, she came over to where he was, kissed him; I just watched and she asked him what he was doing then he said, sweetie, say hello to my friend Bridget. He called me his friend, Amanda. Even though he wanted to dumb me, he didn't try to acknowledge whatever we had. I got upset and I ended the call." She dabbed her chin with the back of her palm.

"Oh my God!" Amanda exclaimed incredulously. "You waited this long to tell me?"

"What difference does it make?" she asked quietly.

Amanda felt the pain in Bridget's voice "You are my best friend and that makes all the difference in the world."

"You have a lot going on-"

"Which you and your family are helping me through," Amanda interrupted.

"And good things are starting to happen in your life. Like the state championship next month, YALE university, and also your secret admirer, Jake Bush. I wouldn't want to ruin that."

"Stop that, Bridget. You've been with me through bad times, why can't I do the same?"

"Thanks Amanda. Sorry for keeping it from you. Besides, I'm over it. All I need now is a good distraction."

Bridget was four months older than Amanda so, she always acted like the big sis even though they were the same age. She took it as her responsibility to always look after Amanda who had in the past, fought her to stop treating her like a child.

"Hmm, have you told Elena yet because, you have too. We are friends."

"She's aware."

"Oh," Amanda whispered as she returned Bridget's gaze.
A thought got looped inside her head: How did she end up being the second choice to her best friend?

What did I ever do to Elena? Amanda pondered on this one question that was so difficult to answer. She knew about Elena's mood swings, which was very difficult to get used to but, she managed. Listening to what Elena said at the theater made Amanda second guess her actions.

Bridget felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She quickly reached for it and the moment it screen met her sight, she could identify who the caller was.

She accepted the call and brought the phone to her ear. "Hold on a minute," She told the person at the end of line. Smiling briefly at Amanda, Bridget requested politely "Please excuse me."


Bridget climbed up the pavilion behind where she and Amanda sat then made herself comfortable on one of the long benches.

She took out a pen from the back pocket of her black jean trouser, she looked around then spotted a scrap of paper lying on the floor. She picked it up, straightened it out then, wrote down the address the caller was saying.

"Are you sure this is the right address?" she asked to make sure.

Bridget was still on the phone when she heard Amanda calling out her name. She raised her head and saw Amanda standing at the foot of the Pavilion "Give me a sec," she demanded from the caller.

"I'm heading to the theater, Mr. Quinn sent for me. Are you coming?" Amanda asked loudly.

"As soon as I'm through with this call, I'll join you." she replied.

Amanda glowered transiently at Bridget. The response she got from her friend was dissimilar and as much as it bothered her, she had no time to deal with the matter. "Alright," She said instead and left the field.

Bridget got back to her call. As soon as the call ended, she scrolled through her contact, tapped on Elena's number and dialed it immediately.

"Elena, meet me at the pavilion now. Please. " she requested hurriedly.

 " she requested hurriedly

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