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     moomintroll  had come home to moomin house shortly after snufkin had entered his tent. "moominmama!" he wailed. "oh, snufkins so mad at me!" he lamented, sighing dramaticaly. "now dear, im sure it'll be alright. just wait until tomorrow." moomintroll groaned, trudging upstairs to his room. "oh, snufkin." and with that, he'd gone to bed, eager to make things up to snufkin the next day.

moomintroll woke up to a knock at the door. sitting up in his bed, he sighed, standing up and opening the door up for whoever was behind. "hey, moomintroll." said snufkin, frowning. "oh, snufkin, im so-" he was cut off by snufkin laughing. "im just kidding with you! it wasnt so much of a big deal." moomintroll exhaled a huge sigh of relief. "now, why did you sleep so late? moominmama and papa were worried, so they sent me to come get you." snufkin talked quickly, nervously smiling at the end. "oh, its not all that late! its-- six o'clock?" moomin was baffled at the time. did he really sleep that late? "oh, lets just get some dinner."

snufkin had lied, he was still a little upset. but being upset about it went against everything he stands for. he didnt say anything, though. "moominmama, this is amazing!" snufkin went on about her cooking again, as he always does. the dinner was peaceful, but not as talkative as the ones before it. snufkin could tell that moomintroll knew he was upset, but he thought that if he talked about it with him, it would be awkward.

"snufkin, do you want to take a walk?" moomin asked as they threw away their empty bowls. "ah, yes! late night walks are always fun." snufkin answered, smiling. they left moomin house quickly, skipping off into the forest. "i cant believe mid spring is almost over!" moomintroll shared, smiling. "we can get straight into swimming, then!" they chatted endlessly, a thing they often did. they had a knack of holding conversation, but then moomin mentioned yesterday.

"are you sure you're not upset?" he asked, and snufkin inwardly grumbled. "yes, im okay, moomin." snufkin mumbled, crossing his arms. "oo, look! movement in the river!" snufkin shouted, trying to change the subject. there was no movement in the river, but he'd try his luck anyways. taking his pack off, he pulled his fishing rod off of the fishing rod holder. he tossed the line out and waited. soon, moomin came and sat next to snufkin.

snufkin could tell that moomin had something to say, based off his mannerism. "well, is there something on your mind?" he asked, moomin caught off guard. "well, yes, but its not very important." moomintroll replied, looking back at the line. "well then i guess we wont chat about it." "i know you're still upset." snufkin sighed. "i know." they chatted on it for a while, and moomin understood. "yeah, she shouldnt have taken up our time like that, and im sorry i went with it." snufkin nodded. "yeah, its alright. i know she can be a little pushy."

they decided to head home, skipping back. snufkin felt that the tension was relieved. they smiled and chatted while they walked, linking pinky fingers and swaying their arms. they crossed the bridge, moomin skipping in front of snufkin. suddenly, little my appeard from the bush. "i saw that!" she whispered to snufkin. "oh, whatever are you talking about?"

moomin waved goodnight to snufkin.

"for some reason i thought we were gonna have a bad night!"

"you were wrong, moomintroll!"

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