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     little my felt so bad, she didn't mean to make him upset! she had a reason for it, but she would be embarrassed if she explained it. she slowly followed snufkin out the door. "i can tell you where i put it!" no reply. "i know you're mad at me, but let me explain!" she heard snufkin sigh. "why did you do it then?" he said, an angry tone in his voice.

they talked it out for a little, but snufkin just.. didnt get it. "i just wanted attention!" little my explained. "i figured you'd know i did it, take it back and we could have a proper cha-" "well you could've just, y'know, come and talked to me!" snufkin yelled. "please, just get my pack."

little my brought out snufkin's things for him. snufkin quickly grabbed them off her, placing his hat on his head hastily and hoisting his bag over his shoulder. he then snuck into his tent, wasting no time to zip it up.

"moominmama, what do i do! he's gonna be upset with me forever and ever an-" "now dear, first i think that you should cut the extremes. and then, just give him a minute or two! you know snufkin cant stay mad for a very long time." little my sighed. "yeah, i know that! but i'm impatient, and i don't know how to apologize!" moominmama nodded. "well, for a good apology, you mustn't put any extras in, and just say 'im sorry'."

so little my waited, and waited, until she heard a knock at the door one morning. moomintroll skipped over to the door. "snu--snorkmaiden?" snorkmaiden smiled, sort of pushing moomintroll out of the way. "hey! i thought i'd check on the snufkin bag search." moomintroll glared at little my. "oh, we found it alright." "well, i figured! his tent isn't at the river anymore!"

"wait, his what?" moomintroll shouted, panicking. "yeah, when i was coming by, his tent wasn't there!" "but it's summer! he can't have gone now!" little my sunk into her seat. "oh, this is all my fault!" she yelled. "yes! it is, now come and help us find him!"

they sought out again, little my lagging behind as snorkmaiden and moomintroll looked far and wide. little my was less interested in looking for snufkin, more in finding a way to apologize. she didn't think that snufkin was so attached to the bag. i don't think anbody did. snufkin wasn't the type of person to hold onto things, but i suppose it was a sentiment to him.

they'd looked all around the valley, even gone slightly up south. "he must really be gone." moomintroll mumbled, crossing his arms. "wait! moomintroll, there's one spot we haven't checked." snorkmaiden bursted, smiling. "the flower field!"

they rushed their way over, crossing through forest and town, jumping fences until they saw a low smoke coming from the general direction. "you were right, snorkmaiden!" moomin yelled as he ran behind the trees, to see a little greet tent, and a small campfire, and an array of flowers. the others followed shortly behind him, smiling widely.

"little my, i think you need to go down first." moomin said, and little my nodded, rolling down the hill and walking up to the tent. "snufkin?" she sputtered out, peering around the corner to see snufkin lying on a log, smoking from his pipe. "i should've known you would find me here." little my laughed, "if it makes you feel better, we almost didn't."

"so what do you have to say?" snufkin asked, sitting up. "i-" little my paused. she was going to lament on how she felt so bad, and that she would've taken it back, but she decided on something simpler. "i'm sorry, snufkin. i hope you'll forgive me."

" if you need more time, i understand! "

" i forgive you, but its gonna take some time for me to trust you. "

big feelings ; snufminWhere stories live. Discover now