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     today was the big day! the wonderful, the amazing, moominvalley festival! or, at least thats what moomintroll thought. he'd gathered up his friends in the backyard, smiling like a giddy five year old during the holidays. "so, you all know what day today is.." he started, "and i want to make it perfect for moominmama and papa!" everybody seemed eager to help, except for snufkin.

snufkin didn't really want to go. in fact, he planned on moving his tent completely away from moomin house when the event started. that's what he'd done most years, and nobody seemed to mind. but this year, this year was different, according to moomintroll. everybody was going to be there, and he meant everybody! including poor snufkin. now, moomintroll knew not to cross over snufkin's boundaries, but this was just too much to pass up!

and so they began planning, snufkin already dreading the people. they hung up lights and banners and placed the tables and the cloths and got the snacks ready. everything was perfect! nothing could go wrong, everything looked and felt in place for moominmama and papa. they both loved the festival, and loved hosting it. it was their favorite thing to do in the summer, and this year was gonna be the best of all.

it was around four pm, and the festival started in around two hours! snufkin groaned, already planning a way to sneak out of it and move his tent. something in him forced him to stay, though. whether it was moomin practically begging him to, or it was his own decision. either way, he knew that it would be a not-so fun night. guaranteed.

one hour. everybody was so unbelievably eager, and folks from all around the valley began to flood through. snufkin already felt trapped.

thirty minutes. most of the valley was there, waiting for the festival to begin. children, adults, hemulens, mice, all kinds of people and faces.

ten minutes.

five minutes.

and then the music began to play, you could probably hear it from outside of the valley, maybe even in the ocean! so much movement and activity and excitement. moomintroll and them were all sat at a table, drinking punch and chatting. so many people, so much noise. so much noise. snufkin's head was spinning. he needed to leave, get out, run. do something to get away, but he didn't move an inch. he didn't want to disappoint moomin.

he pretended he was having a good time, getting up and grabbing punch and talking to his friends. it was okay, he would be fine. unless he wouldn't. what if he got stuck there? what if he couldn't leave? what if he festival went on and on and on with no end and he would be trapped forever and-

an hour in, snufkin took his chance to run off when he noticed everybody was focused on karaoke and other odd activities. he'd made a swift leave, until he felt somebody grab his arm. "snufkin, where are you going?" moomintroll asked, letting go. "out." he answered, beginning to walk away again. "wait, you can't go, you promis-" "i didn't promise you anything! you didn't even give me a chance to talk about how i feel!"

" wait! snufkin i'm- "

" save it, i just want to be alone. "


i had zero motivation to write this, sorry if it seems rushed or not like usual :[ i needed to get it done today  -anakin

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