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     snufkin woke up in his tent, sitting up rather quickly. he felt a little sick when he woke up, so he decides to come out and light the fire. he always caught a cold before summer came. he sighed, wiping his nose. "at least summer is coming!" he announced, slowly reaching for his travel bag, he felt for it, but nothing was there..

"my pack!" snufkin screeched, eyes widening as he turned around and began looking for it. his nose was stuffy and he felt so groggy, but his travel bag was more important. he hastily looked around, clawing at the bushes and the brush with his paws. he couldn't have lost his pack! he sniffled a little, sitting criss cross on the bridge and sighing.

"oh, snufkin! are you okay?" moomin's voice rang from moomin house as he rushed over to the bridge. "my bag! it's-i dont know where it's gone!" snufkin lamented, putting his head in his hands. "oh, whatever could have happened to it?" moomin asked, putting his arm around snufkin. snufkin shrugged, perking his head up. "my hat, my pictures, my fishing rod! they're all gone!" he shouted, alerting the rest of the moomins.

and so they all set out looking for the bag. snufkin, snorkmaiden and moomintroll were all in a group, looking all around the valley for it. "snufkin, i hate seeing you like this!" moomintroll sighed, and snufkin wiped his eyes. "i dont know what i'm going to do without the things inside!" he wailed, as snorkmaiden looked haphazardly through the bushes. "what if its closer to home?" moomin asked. "it would make sense, they wouldn't hide it somewhere predictably far away!"

and so they went back to moomin house, looking all around the perimeter. "oh, i shouldn't be worried about such material things!" snufkin yelled at himself, bunching up his sleeves with his paws. "hey, its okay to be upset! your important things were in there, i'm sure anyone would be at least a little bit frightened." moomin reasoned, grabbing snufkin's hand reassuringly, squeezing it.

it had been almost five hours, and no sign of the bag was around. snufkin had lost hope for finding it, moomintroll was tired, and snorkmaiden.. well, she wandered off about two hours before. "we've looked everywhere, moomin." snufkin mumbled, sitting on the porch and sighing. "i know, snufkin. im sorry." they both glanced at the door with tired eyes as moominmama emerged from inside. "i think it's time for you two to come inside."

to say that it was an awkward dinner was stating the least. snufkin hardly touched his food, neither did moomintroll, little my kept staring at her feet and everybody else was just silent. snufkin had decided that he would sleep at moomin house that night, too upset to sleep on his own. they all made their way upstairs, snufkin sleeping in the spare room.

snufkin woke up, breathing heavily and upright. "oh, my hat.." he whined, feeling his head. "i feel so naked!" he said, rather loud for it being one o'clock in the morning. turns out, he wasn't the only one up. he heard a knock at his door, and let out a quiet "come in." there stood moomin, stepping towards the bed and sitting at snufkin's feet. "i heard you were up, so i decided to come in and check on you." moomin smiled, leaning against the wall. "oh, i just want my hat back!" moomin felt tears coming into his eyes as well. he didn't want snufkin to feel this way. "we'll find it, don't worry! soon it will be sitting on your head once again." they talked for a short minute, before moomin could tell snufkin had fallen asleep. moomintroll had done the same, sleeping against the wall.

"dears, its time for breakfast." moominmama called from the doorway. the two sleepyheads slowly got out of bed, moomin dragging snufkin by the hand downstairs. snufkin could smell moominmama's legendary pancakes and immediately smiled, for the first time in a little while. he sat at his seat at the table, playing with his sleeves. little my had come down shortly afterwards, looking quite glum.

the pancakes were served, and snufkin stared at them longingly, before munching into them. little my had barely eaten any of her pancakes, she was acting really odd. suddenly, snufkin realized something! he stood up from the table, putting his empty plate into the sink and going for the door. "well, its minnow season and i-" he'd gone quiet as he reached for his fishing pole, which was not there.

"i don't have a fishing pole." snufkin realized, tears streaming down his face. "oh, the only thing i was looking forward to today!" he wailed, covering his face with his hands, dropping to his knees. "all i want to do is fish!" moomin house fell quiet as they watched snufkin sob.

"i did it!" a voice shouted, and all stared at the source. "i took your things, snufkin." snufkin looked up, to see little my standing on her chair. "yeah, i-" she was cut off by snufkin storming out of moomin house, slamming the door.

" wait, snufkin! i can explain! "

"you've really outdone yourself this time, little my."

i promise this is the only cliffhanger ill ever leave you on -viktoria

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