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// HOPE //

After the event that took place outside of these building, both heroes decided to lead me into a room where we were able to talk. "So, this Thanos guy is a massive dickhead that thought wiping out half the population in the universe was an amazing idea" I spoke sarcastically towards the males that was in this room. My back was pressed against the wall there allowing myself to cross one of my feet over the other. Hazel eyes flickered between both of the males that was standing in the room before I decided to speak again. "Are you for real right now?" I questioned them with a little hint of annoyance in my voice.

The blonde hair guy shook his head light as he focuses turns down towards the floor before whispering to himself one word, "language".

"Hey!" the brown hair male called out before slowly walking a little bit forward. His pointy finger was outstretched as it was directed at me as in a warning sign. "I know this might seem a little out of ordinary for you but answer me one question. How do know Peter Parker and what's you purpose with him?" Emotions was flooding of him therefore showing that he cared deeply for the young boy that played whole parts in both of their life's.

"I'm his... I'm..."

I paused for a minute trying to think of my words and not knowing what I should or shouldn't say to this man. Although there was one question that was bugging my mind 'What am I to him?'. We been through a lot together and we kissed although we never officially asked each other out.

My focus shift to the floor as I knew the word that I wanted to use although was it the right thing to do. Considering that he might not actually want me to be his but the necklace. My tanned hand went towards the spider necklace that was hanging loosely around my neck. "...girlfriend" I spoke with confident in my voice as my focus shifted the man that ask the question.

Shock expressions filled both of their faces as they received the new upcoming information. The guy with brown hair had a pound look across his face as he looked down towards the ground, like a father would. While the blonde hair male stare at the man in worry incase, he reacted back on the topic.

"My name is Steve Rogers" the blonde spoke out loud while placing his hand out in front of him in a greeting manner. Carefully I took his hand and gave it firm shake towards the man. His finger then pointed towards the other male that was in this room, "his name is Tony Stark".

I nodded my head in understanding then decided that I need the trust in order to bring everyone back that has disappeared, "my name is Hope, Hope Danvers".

"Okay" the blonde spoke again, tony was still recover from the newfound information although once he heard my name his focus snapped towards me. Steve and I both noticed Tony's reaction towards my name therefore he decided to leave us alone in to speak about personally matters like Peter.

The familiar scent of silence filled the room as the tension began to rise. None of us wanted to talk to each other incase we said something that could break us apart although I knew that I need to get pass my feeling and get the information that I need.

When I was about to ask the important question, Tony decide that now was the right time to speak, "you know... his mentioned you."

Shock filled my face as the upcoming feeling of sadness overloaded my mind and stomach. I was lost, I didn't know how to respond to this because all these upcoming and new emotion was sprouting out of me. Water covered my eyes as I was on the bridge of crying, but I knew that I couldn't be weak, I had to be strong for Peter.

"Can I ask you something?" I question him.

"You already did" a small chuckle escaped our lips as we tried to find humor in our conversation. The tension that was once in the room started to die down as small smile appear on both of our faces. My eyes looked at him in a tensing matter as he responded with a simple, "sure", sadness and worry started to fill my body when I heard his response.

"Is he..." I was too scared to ask the question because I was too scared of the response that I would gain from it. "Is he... gone?"

There is was... the killer question.

Tony nodded his head slowly as his focus shifted to the floor before responding with a small quite "yes".

The word 'Sad' sounds so childish, like something flimsy, something one should be able to cast off with a happy reflection or the smile of a friend. But 'sad' is nothing of the sort. It sits inside like the germ seed of depression, just waiting for the right conditions to grow, to send out roots to choke the hope out of your heart. It is the trough in which we struggle to return to the peak, always afraid that this time the rungs will be too slippery, too far apart or simply not there at all.

My eyes shifted to the side again and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As I blinked, they dripped from my eyelids and slid down my cheeks. I bit my lip tightly in attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from my mouth; Tony's heart sank.

My lower lip quivered as words slowly made their way out of my mouth. "His..." I began, yet what followed was engulfed in the tremors.

My eyes drip with tears. My walls, the walls that hold me up, make me strong just... collapse. Moment by moment, they fall. Salty drops fall from my chin, drenching my shirt. Perhaps these tears will help wash the blood out. I press my head against the wall.

"Come here kid" he spoke lightly towards me as I kept my head against the cold plain wall. Extending his arms out in front of him almost showing a welcoming manner although this feeling inside me just wanted me to hide away from anyone that comes in my path. Slowly he approached me, in worry that I might brake from the sudden contract like I was some frail china doll.

Two bold arms wrapped around my small famed body and I collapsed into there warm embrace. 'Stop crying!' I thought to myself in frustration as I squeezed my eyes tightly. I knew it was silly of me to cry especially since million, possibly billions, of people have lost someone important in their life.

It was my job as a hero to save people and make sure that I was able to stop something like this from happen. But... I was too late. I was too busy being frozen in a iceberg for too long to realize what was happening world outside the building that I was trapped in. Pulling myself away from Tony's loving arms, I stared deeply into his brown orbs. Anyone within the same room as we were was able to tell that I was sad and frustrated about the situation.

Determination filled my stomach like a fire was set loose, tensions start to fill the air. "I'm going to get them back! Everyone! We all will, no matter the risks".

MISSING YOU || P. PARKER [2]Where stories live. Discover now