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// HOPE //

Suit on and ready for action.

Everyone was wearing the suit that was created for us in order to allow us to time travel. Huddle as a team as we walked together towards the machine, we were determined to get these stones and save everyone. To bring those that we love and care about back to there be loving families and home.

In time travel there are certain rules that must be followed like not seeing your past self or try not to make any big change otherwise that could lead to a butterfly effect. Therefore, it is important to keep thing in place, for example if we do take the stones then that will create a branching alternative timeline. In order to stop that from happening, the stone will need to be pick back in place at same time and location it was taken from.

If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future and your former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future.

So, if we did do the killing infant Thanos idea then that would create a timeline without him and his crimes, but the Avengers we know, and love would not be in that specific timeline.

Everyone gather around on the platform to form a circular shape, we are ready. Underneath us there was certain steppingstones that we needed to be place on, this will allow the machine to identify who is going to time travel and who isn't. Although Banner had to be on two steppingstones, one for each foot, because of how big and tall he is. We were prepared, we had our groups that we were going as, as well as knowing the time and location that we needed to go to.

While we were mentally preparing ourselves for the journey ahead of us, Steve decided to do a little speech to motivate everyone. "Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost love ones We lost a part of ourselves" looks of sadness filled everyone faces as our focus shift towards the other or up at the ceiling. No-one wants a replay the event that took place a couple years ago, therefore everyone was willing to do everything they can to bring everyone back. Life or death. "Today, we have a chance to take it all back" Steve announced to everyone which lifted the feeling of sadness, a little. This feeling of guilt and pain was mixed with a new feeling of determination. "You know your teams. You know your missions" Everyone brought their left-hand forwards to represent us as a team. The team that will get all of these stones and bring everyone back. "One round-trip each. No mistakes..." everyone was worried that they might mess up especially me.

I was still new to all of this, being a hero and these stones. I have only recently discovered about these stones and the power that is held inside them; they are the key source of bring everyone back. I am willing to do another to get these stones, risking one life to save billions is better then saving no-one at all.

"No do-overs" Steve continued. "Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives and we're gonna win." Tony turned his head to look towards his friend as a small smile showed on his lips, determination and happiness was plastid on his features. Determination on getting these stones and everyone back but happiness because the team is back together again as well as having the possibility of seeing Peter again. "Whatever it takes" Steve said towards Tony before turning his focus to loom towards everyone else, "good luck."

A proud smile creeped it way onto my face as I looked towards Steve in starstruck. He really knew what to say in order to get the team ready to go and I wasn't the only one thinking that. A small whisper of a "wow" escaped my lips as kept my eyes on Steve.

"He's pretty good at that" Rocket commented as he looks at Steve in amazement, this caught my attention. My focus shift towards the little guy that was standing next to me as I nodded my head in agreement with his statement.

"Right?" Scott spoke in excitement as he looked at Rocket and I. His body was swaying side to side like a child within a playground.

"All right" Tony called out which caused all three of our focuses to shift towards him. "You heard the man. Stroke those keys, Jolly Green" he called out towards Banner who is currently by the control panel sorting out the dials. We needed to make sure everything is in the correct position to allow us to get to the time and location that is required. Within our suits there are trackers, this will allow us to find each other in case one of us get trapped or lost.

"Trackers engaged" he responded back.

"You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?" Rocket question Clint as he watches him inspect the small yellow ship that was held in the palm of one of his hands.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" he responded back to the racoon as his focus shift from the ship in his hand to Rocket. "I'll do my best" a smile spread across his face as he looked around the room.

Rocket stood there with his focus facing forwards, arms crossed "As promises go, that was pretty lame."

Beeping noises filled the area as everyone looked at each other in excitement. Natasha had a smile on her face as she looked towards Steve before speaking, "see ya in a minute."

The middle of the platform starts to spiral open as it twists and turns it way through each other like a people trapped in vines. Closing my eyes, I let the mask fall onto my face, mentally preparing myself for the trip ahead of us. Small breath escaping and inhaling through my body as I though of all the outcomes that could happen through this.

Bright red and blue lights appeared across everyone faces as we stared down at the opening in the middle of the platform. The red and blue blended into each other as they soon created the color orange to appear. I felt my body get sucked into the hole as I shrunk down to the size of an ant. Forcing our bodies to push against the wind pressure that the machine is given off as we travel through the wormhole. Colors switched from greens to blue, one section of the wormhole look like green germs or particles swirling around in the air. Then, the atmosphere changes to a machinal blue light tunnel which allowed us to enter certain realms. Thanks to the GSP in our suits, we was bale to tell with tunnel we needed to head towards in order to get to out location and time period.

Then, flash.

Welcome to New York City, 2012!

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