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The orange ring began to expand wider, revealing a different scenery on the other side. Three tall figures started to make there way through the portal that was created for them, sounds of chanting was heard from the other side of the portal. They were prepared for the battle that was ahead of them and hope started to spring in both heroes.

Fully we turned our faces towards them in amazement and happiness, no-one was expecting that to happen.

The next person to fly through the portal is one of Cap's dearest friend, Sam Wilson. A larger bird like structure was soaring through the air, his costume given off the bird of a falcon. Multiple of portals started appearing behind us as they opened wide for each person to leave their location that they once were trapped in.

Although there were hundreds upon hundreds of portals opening all round us, I could help but keep my focus on one certain portal. It revealed an orange and dusty down place that looked abandon for years. A guy with red cape came floating out of the portal, next was a girl that had bug like features across her face like mantis. Next was a bug guy that looked like he was made out of rock from a distance although he gets closer you able to see the exterior design on his body. The next person to come flying through the portal was a man with brown long jacket on and a mask covering his face, he reaches up towards his face in order to retract his mask.

Although none of them were the person I desperately wanted to see.


A figure of teenager boy came swinging in with a metallic iron suit on, traveling this way across the land in order to get to the front. The iron spider. In recognition on who this boy his I felt my knees become weaker, bulking themselves in therefore causing me to thud to the floor onto my knees. My breath hitched in my throat, pulling one of my hands up to over my mouth, while the other clenched tightly onto the bottom of my suit, not allowing the sobs to escape my throat.  My vison started to come a little bit fuzzy as tear stings my eyes, threating to come out like waterfalls. Our eyes met each other's as we stared at each other in happiness and enjoy, we we're together again. I couldn't stop the smiling from spreading across my lips as I look at him.

The King pf Wakanda started chanting in Xhosa as I sign of a battle cry for those that are following him. Behind him held an army of members that have fought alongside, the King, they do whatever it takes to bring the peace back to his world again. Members of Asgardians started to join in as they push there way through the portals; one of these many warriors are a giant rock man and a lady on a Pegasus. Red strips of light caught my eyes, it was like magic, flooding in and out of her fingertips.

Magical men and woman started to appear out of another people, matching the same retire as the man with the red cape.

Everyone lined up in position, from the corner of my eye I could see Clint holding tightly to the gauntlet. Slowly and carefully I made my way towards him before giving him a reassuring smile. Sneakily I stood in front of him as I told to cover the gauntlet from Thanos vision.

A loud rumble sound was heard from the area of where the building was collapse and broken down. The ground shook below us as last raining structure of the building was now falling to piece. Ant-Man, isn't so small now, breaking through anything that got in his way, in the palm of his hands Rhodey, Rocket and Banner all came out.

"Avengers!" Cap started to shout towards the army of heroes behind him. Bringing his hands forwards before forcefully pushing it backwards as he summoned the hammer. Silence filled the battlefield as listened carefully for out next battle cry. "Assemble."

"Give me the gauntlet" I informed Clint as he looked at me in shock as worry, desperately I placed my hands out in front of me.

"Fine" he released a sign before handling me the gauntlet. I turned my body to the opposite direction of the battle but before I could take another step further a hand tightly gripped my shoulder. "Be careful" he informed me with worry in his eyes.

I nodded my head in response before heading towards the opposite direction of the battlefield, along the way there was a couple of back guys but lucky with just one sit I was able to shake them off. Sprinting through the battle and I tired dodging as many people as I could while hiding the gauntlet.  Along the way a giant breast was after me, although Sam decided to take the beast down for me. "Cap!" I exclaimed through my earpiece, hoping that I can get a response from him, especially within a moment like this. "What do you want me to do with this damn gauntlet?" I questioned him hurriedly.

"Hope! You shouldn't even have-"although he cut himself off as he released a frustrated groan, while fighting something with his shield. "Get those stones as far away as possible!" he ordered her but she knew that couldn't happen.

"We can't" she begins to tell him.

"We need to get'em them back where they came from" Banner informed him.

"No way to get'em back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel" Tony added on to the conversation.

"Hold on!" Lang started as he shrinks himself into the size of a normal human being before continuing with his words, "that wasn't our only time machine."

A loud horn sound echoed throughout the whole battle, bring loud enough to hear above the battle cries. A loud grunting sound was heard from beside me therefore causing me to slam my foot against the floor as a pilum of rock came shooting out of the ground and hitting the bad guy in the face. "Has anyone seen an ugly ass looking van anywhere?" I questioned as I continue to run across the field.

"Yes" a woman answered back. "But you're not gonna like where it's parked."

"I'm sure I can handle it" I informed them back before rushing towards the direction of the bad guys. From the woman's choices of words, I am able to guess that it is either in the middle of the enemy base or near Thanos.

"Scott" Tony started to call out, "how long you need to get that thing working?"

"Uh- maybe ten minutes" he responded back with uncertainty in his voice.

"Get it started. We'll get the stones to you"

Pushing my though the crowded row of people that stood there patiently waiting for my arrive. Moving my fingers tips side to side allowed the feeling of heat spread across my fingertip onto the rest of my hand. Pushing her hand forward dice of the bed guys started to light up in flame, screeching in pain from the feeling of the flames burning on their skin. Quickly I rushed forwards to escape the other load of villains that wanted to hunt me down. Unfortunately, I wasn't about to know that the big grape juice guy has spotted me.

A slamming down on floor was heard from behind me as I looked towards the direction I just came from. There stood the King of Wakanda as purple energy started to escape his suit therefore causing the bad guys surrounding him to fall backwards in the ground. "You!" he shouted while pointing towards me, "you're pretty powerful and strong for a kid."

A small chuckle release from mouth as I looked at him in entertainment, "I get a lot" I informed him back.

Nodding his head in understanding. "Let's do this together" he exclaimed as he gestured towards the gauntlet. Before I had time to response, we both started of as a sprint towards the machine that I needed to be, the van. Blank Panther was destroying those that stood on his left right side while I was battle against those on our right, like a team. Jumping up in the ai he pushed his force into them therefore causing them to knock to the floor. His clews were digging into their skins to insure they won't get back up again. I, on the other hand, held the gauntlet in one and throwing pushes or kicks in anyone that came towards my direction.

"Watch out!" I exclaimed as I rolled along the floor to dodge the weapon that was coming our although T'Challa wasn't successful as me. The weapon hit him across the arms although he doesn't seem fazed by the impact, instead his eyes were on the man that was stopping us, Thanos. I was behind T'Challa having a tight grip on the gauntlet, in sure that no-one is going to take it out of my hands. As the titan went charging towards a sudden load of red mist landed in front of us, blocking his pathway.

Rocks started to crumble its way towards me as it aimed to get the gauntlet, but I wouldn't let that happen. My feet moved as quickly as they could as I tried to escape the following lead to rock that wanted to trap me.

"I got you!" the sound of a familiar voice was heard as I felt the rush of air escape my lungs. Tightly I wrapped my arms around his neck as the gauntlet rested against both of our chest. Landing softly on the bad guy, "activate instant kill although don't kill the pretty blonde girl please."

I looked towards his direction as his spider eyes turned bright red, a small smile was plastered on my lips as I heard what he said to his suit. She had dreamed of this day happening although she never expected him to be right there with her, fighting alongside her. Fright. Instantly my eyes snapped in front of me as multi villains came charging towards us in hunger. Smashing my fist against the floor a gust of wind pushed everyone backwards. Quickly I brought my fist up in a upper cup motion to therefore making rock hit those that are surrounding me.

"Help somebody help!" Peter shouted from behind me the therefore causing my focus to quickly snap towards him. Pushing my feet forwards Rocked pilled themselves up along his legs as I pushed my free arm forwards therefore causing most of the aliens to get off him. Although there was till some lingering.

"Hey, lovebirds, heads up!" he called out to us as he sent his hammer towards Peter's and I direction. Wrapping my arms around Peter's neck, I knew what Cap was intending to do, Peter reached out to grab a hold of the hammer therefore causing us to soar through the air, gauntlet still in my hands.

Going down towards the floor, Potts came into view as she grabs a hold of Peter hand. "Don't worry kids, I got you" she informed us before throwing us up into the air. Valkyrie was able to catch us before we started to fall to the floor again.

I was Infront of him, hold the gauntlet in one hand and Valkyrie with the other. Flying side to side as we tried to dodge lazier that was shot at us.  "Hope, I kinda told Mr. St-" Peter began to spoke I shortly cut him off.

"I know."

"I'm sorry if I-" he started again, I twisted my body towards his direction as I lean in, so my forehead were resting patiently against his. We close their eyes. Both their breaths are shaking. His lips brush mine, innocently but in hunger as well, it been months since we last saw each other, held each other. When I kissed him, my brain lit on fire and the warmth spread throughout my entire body. After that I was addicted, I couldn't bare not to be with him, and I could barely breathe when he was around. Those kisses were my salvation and my torment. I lived for them and I would die with the memory of them on my lips. I dedicated my life to being with him from the moment we shared our first kiss, for I knew that if I lost him, I would lose apart of myself. He was the half that made me whole.

"I approve" I told him happily as a smile showed across my facial features. Peter kept his hands on my hips in order to make sure I'm steady and close to him. I removed my hands from his chest and towards his cheeks instead, examine every feature that I could see. I was happy that I got him back now, I couldn't help the words that left my mouth, "I think I'm in love with you."

Without thinking twice, a huge smile grew upon his soft pink lips, "I think I love you too." They stayed there for a while before both realizing they weren't alone and in fact on the battlefield.

Traveling towards one beam of light but luckily enough the horse was able to doge it as it flew around it. But luck wasn't always on there side, as they travelled towards an opening a beam of bright blue light shined down and hitting the house. Peter and I started to fly off, I tightly held my grip on the gauntlet while Peter tightly held a grip on me. He switched our position so I would be on top and gai less of an impact if I was at the bottom.

We curled up next to each other with the gauntlet in between us as we tried to protect each other as much as we could. The sound starts to quieten down as the attacks stopped taking place, both Peter's and I looked up from our crouching position. The beams started to shoot up towards the sky, although that wasn't going to stop it from getting any closer.

"What's going on?" Peter questioned as he saw me slowly get up onto my feet, my grip tightens around the gauntlet, making sure its safe.

"What the hell is that?" Sam was heard through the earpieces.

"She here" I announced to everyone as confusion filled their facial expressions, including Peters, although some people knew who exactly I was talking about.

She came crashing through the sky, destroying anything that stood in her way. She slammed herself through the ship that was firing laser beams at every direction. A loud crashing sound was heard after her attack, showing that the ship caught on fire and starting to explode. Her sister was destroying his fleet by flying through them all, the feeling of wanting to roll my eyes filled across my body but I couldn't help but smile proudly at my sisters, greatest achievement. Carol slowed down her pace, therefore allowing her to have enough time to look around. In that moment we catch each other glaze as she made her way toward Peter and I.

"Hello, sis"' I greeted her as I raised an eyebrow towards her in annoyance, don't think I let the ice thing go.

"Hey, Hope" she calmly said back as she placed on of her hands on my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze before pulling me into a bone crushing hug. This felt usual, Carol normally never was into at physical contract by show her love and affection this way, but something changed. "I'm sorry I put you in the block on ice, I did it to protect you. Fury and I felt something coming an-"

"I get it!" I quickly said to her as I looked at her eyes before staring down at the gauntlet that was in my arms. "I felt it too. I understand that you were trying to protect me..." I reasoned with her before snapping, "But! Ever do that again and I will never forgive you." A small chuckled escaped her lips before she looked down at the teenage boy that was curled up on the floor. "Carol, this is Peter, Peter Parker" I introduced them as I reached down towards Peter in order to bring him to his feet before staring back at my sister, "my boyfriend."

A faint blush creeped it way onto his cheeks as he looked down at the floor in shyness. Carol smiled in amusement, "hey Peter Parker," her focuses looked towards me, "Are you ready for this?"

Nodding my head, I looked towards Peter direction and gave him a small smile, he looked towards the direction of the van to see a whole army of aliens waiting from them. "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all of that" he exclaimed as he looked at me in worry.

"Don't worry, they go help" someone responded as they flew down towards us, I looked up to see a different range of ladies coming down to join us as they surrounded us in support. Determination fills across my facial expressions as I looked up towards the aliens in front of us.

Pushing my arm forwards a load of water rushing above us and towards those in front. Some was trapped inside the bubble of water therefore causing them to rise up from the ground when I down a circular motion with my hand. Quickly I slammed my fist down onto the floor causing fire to spread across for those in front, as well as dropping those that was trapped in a bubble of watch from a higher level.

"Here" I said before handling my sister the gauntlet. Together we marched our way onto the battlefield towards the army that once belonged to Thanos. "Let's do this!"

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