chapter 1

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Jonathan kept roaming around the abondoned city. The one great city in Califonia. It's around 1 am.

Jonathan always roaming around the abondoned city..expecting the boy he met 15 years ago. He kept the umbrella ge had when he was 12 years old.

Hoping the boy would return and remember his blue umbrella. After about 5 minutes he felt vibration on his stomach. Taking out his phone from his sweaters pocket.

He saw a messagw from Luke..

From: Cartoonz

'hey, Delirious. Where ever you are you better come back home..your worrying me.'

Delirious is his nickname in YouTube. H2O Delirious. Cartoonz is his best friend. No one ever saw his face, only his Best friend Cartoonz. He had other friends

Jonathan replied back with an..

'i'm alright, Luke. And yes coming back home!!'

After he sent that. He turned around to head his way back home until he saw a little boy. Rope tied around its neck like it's suicide and hang himself. The boy stared at him.

Jonathan who's scared quickly opened his Umbrella and covered his sight from the boy with yhe umbrella..he might look like his hiding from nothing but in his own eyes..his seeing such thing evil ghosts.

He met nice ghosts and those who are just lost or just seeking revenge for their deaths. Though, he did see a lot of them but he still gets scared.

Jonathan quicklt dialed Luke's number witg 5 rings the other line answered. "Jon? Where are you?! I'm worried sick!--" Luke was intrupted by Jonathan speaking real fast.

"LukePickmeupintheabondonedcityrightnowpleasebehurry." Even though...his best friend speaking is fast he still understand. And quickly got in his car and drove.

Meanwhile...Jonathan got in one corner and kept his umbrella open..hoping that Luke get him real fast. He waited for about 6 minuted but for him it felt like hours..

Luke quickly got off his car and searched the area quickly spotting Jon Umbrella open. Only Luke knows that Jon can see spirits.

Luke quickly go over to jon and hugged him prevemting jon from seeing whats around them, even though they look like their dating or shit like that.

Their not--their just like really really close friends like. Siblings. Anyways, Luke opened the passengers seat and made Jon seat there and to keep his eyes shut closed.

Luke hopped in and drove off knowing that once their out of the Abondoned city their safe.


"Jon i told you..stop coming back to that city! You coukd have died or some building collapse and you get buried ALIVE" Luke and Jon got back to their house and right now..Luke is scolding Jon--he did this a lot of time but none got into Jon mind which causes Luke to get mad but not that mad.

He can't stay mad at his Best friend. They lived together for a long time. He knew Jon's secrets and Jon knows his secrets too.

Though..Luke knows why Jon kept on coming back to that city. It's because of one boy that has saved him 15 years ago from a evil spirit..

Luke just let Jon get away from it since the Guy won't even listen to him. and it always gets away with everything it does..

Jon sat on the edge of his bed, looking at his contacts. His oceon blue eyes caught one name in his contacts..Vanoss..

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