Chapter 4

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"JON!" Jon turned to see his best friend-Luke running up to him pulling his baggage along. Jon quickly noticed someone following after Luke. Ryan.

"Holy shit dude you look adorable-" Ryan said though, Jon didn't give any attention to the boy. Instead he kept staring at the evil spirit attached to Ryan.

It's just floating beside him holding his hands it's hair floating like it's in water and it's body looks like it's frozen. "Uhh you look pale as fuck Ryan" Luke spoke rubbing his back.

Ryan just smiles "i'm always pale.." as he said that Jon grabbed his hand touching it. Feeling the coldness from Ryan's body.

'if this evil spirit does not leave his body..he might die of coldness...' Jon thought to himself, quickly he excused Ryan and him pulling him somewhere hiden before staring at Ryan intently.

"Have you been somewhere that is cold..?" Jon asked concern about his friend. "Uhh..Russia, my family thought going to russia is a good family Vacation."

Jon then suddenly pushed Ryan back. Grabbing the Evil spirit by it's hand, allowing Ryan to see it with naked eye-

"W-what the fuck?" Jon ignored his friend and stared at the evil spirit.."who are you..?" "I'm...John." Jon stared at the Evil spirit 'john'

"Why are you following my friend?" Jon asked not noticing his friend reaction over this shit- "i want...him." John said slowly turning his head to Ryan whose face is terrified.

"No you can't have him.." Jon says sternly. "..." John stayed quite for awhile.."does he have...lover?" This made Ryan's face red as fuck.."uhh- n-" Jon was cut off by Ryan. "YES!" After that was said..The evil spirit slowly floated it's way to Jon and grabbed his hand.

Jon's eyes widens as the Evil spirit attached to him. Ryan couldn't see John anymore and smiled thinking the Evil spirit is gone. "Is he gone?" Ryan asked. Jon didn't want to worry his friend.

"Yes.." Jon doesn't have any other idea to get the Evil spirit away, he won't die too. Well, he hopes so.

"Ok, care to explain?" Jon started to get nervous..'oh god he will think i'm weird..' Jon thought to himself. "Uhh so i have an see Evil spirits, and all..?"

Jon said hessitantly, "AWESOME! DO THE GUYS KNO-" Jon quickly covered Ryan's mouth hushing him.."they don't's just a secret between us, ok?" Ryan then nod his head. Jon let go smiling.

"Let's go meet the others." Jon said going back, he just ignored the Evil spirit holding his hand beside him.

When they came back to the spot where they left, they saw Marcel, Evan, Luke, and Tyler. "Holy shit- is that you Delirious?" Tyler asked shock seen to his eyes.

Jon then felt a nervous..'i forgot..' he quickly looked down.."you look adorable..holy shit" Tyler added, Jon quickly looked up to see Tyler smiling. He looked at the others to see them nod.

Except for Evan, Evan was staring at him like he murdered someone. "Evan?" Jon called out Evan's name but the boy kept staring at him..

"Evan!" Tyler called out this time. But Evan still kept it's making Jon uncomfortable..


In Evan's mind..'why the hell an Evil spirit would attach to Jon?' Evan frowned "EVAN!!" Evan snap back to reality when Tyler shouted right on his ear.

"Ow dude what the fuck?" "You fucking stared at Jon for about 5 minutes.." Marcel explained, this cause Evan's face to flush bright red.

"Holy shit--you fucking like Jon?" Tyler asked looking at Evan with crossed arms and a smirk plastered on his face. "What no...that's just weird.." Evan said looking at Jon and the Evil spirit holding his hand.

"We'll leave when David and Lui is finally here. Speaking of.." Marcel and Tyler looked over to where Evan was looking.

Seeing the two boys walk to them, " ey we thought were the first one here.." David said looking around spotting Jon

"Is that ye, Delirious?" David asked. "Oh mah god you look hot-" Lui was cut off by Jon suddenly cough. "Ye ok buddy?" David asked.

Getting the others attention. "Ok, maybe Jon's not used to being in cold place- were in canada anyways" Tyler spoke. "Wait is the others in the apartment house your saying??" Lui asked Evan.

Evan nod his head and started to walk to the car. It's not big but not small either just a good size for six people to be inside.

They put their bags in the trunk of the car. Tyler being in the passanger seat and Evan driving. Lui, David, Marcle and Jon in the back.

After for about awhile of driving they arrive in a seclusive area and only a big looking house is seen except for trees and bushes around.

Evan ever since they left from the airport kept looking at Jon seeing his face become more paler than before.

"Were here.." Evan spoke stopping the car and turning off the engine, Tyler came out too lui and Marcel too.

"Uhh guys..should i wake Jon up or..?" David asked but getting Jon's head off his shoulder and being picked up by Tyler is what he get..

For some reason..Evan felt anger built in him. Seeing Tyler pick up Jon bridal style..and seeing Jon sleep piecefully in Tylers arms..

He then felt someone staring at him..he looked inside the car, seeing the Evil spirit that before holds Jon's hand. Smiling at him before dissapearing.

Evan still can't believe that Jon has an evil spirit attached to him. Where in the world did he go to get an evil spirit attached to him?

And the fact that it thinks, he can take Jon's life and be with him together forever?? He knew what the Evil spirit wants..the Evil spirit died in Russia..saving his lover's life and after dying. The evil spirit found out that his lover was cheating on him..

John the Evil spirit forgot..what his lover looks like. And now he fucking need to find the fucktard who made this Spirit restless. Unless it gets revenge. Or find it a new person to love..

Evan shakes his head, before heading inside the house..he’ll just find another way to take away the evil spirit..though he needs to hurry before it gets to take Jon's life..he wouldn't want to lose his 'best friend' now..


Chapter 4 done yayz!!

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