Chapter Seven

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The drive home was silent. I could feel the awkwardness in the air. I sat there and kept stealing glances at Eric. He looked at me every now and then but it was hard to tell how he felt. We got back to the house and we walked inside. It was decorated and had a banner that said 'welcome to the family.' I smiled and turned to Jack and Anna.

"Thank you." I stated and the hugged me.

"So, we are throwing a party and we are going to invite our friends and family to meet you." Anna said and smiled at me.

"Okay well I will go get ready then." I said and walked past Eric. He stared at me and I rolled my eyes. I walked up the stairs to my room and pulled the clothes out the bag. I chose my outfit and put my makeup I had just bought on my vanity. Then I remembered I needed help with my makeup. I ran to my bedroom door and threw it open. Eric was standing there about to knock on my door. "Oh, what do you need?"

"My mom wanted me to give this to you." he said and handed me an iPhone 6. "I already programmed my number, Amanda's number, and Alexander's number into it."

"Thanks," I stated and grabbed the phone. I looked away from him and was about to close the door. Eric put his hand against the door.

"Kayla is something wrong?" He asked.

"Are you mad at me or something?" I questioned him and I looked back at him. He looked at me weirdly. "That's what I thought."

"No, Kayla I could never be mad at you." Eric stated

"Well I just thought since I changed everything about me." I said and gestured to my outfit and hair. Eric laughed and pulled me into a hug.

"No, Kayla. You just surprised me I didn't know what to say." He said and I blushed.

"Sorry," I stated and pulled away from him. "You just were ignoring me and I just thought you hated me." Eric stopped laughing. He looked me right in the eye and got really serious.

"Kayla, never in a million years could I hate you. Don't ever think that way again." Eric said and I smiled at him.

"Okay, I still have to get ready for my party though." I stated and he nodded.

"Oh yeah, go ahead we will have more time to hang out later." Eric smiled at me and hugged me again. He walked out and closed the door. I smiled to myself and pulled out my phone. I called Amanda.

"Hello?" Amanda answered the phone.

"Hey, it's Kayla." I said.

"Oh hey. I heard your party today I am so excited to see you." Amanda stated.

"Same here. Hey I have a question, how fast can you get to Eric's house? I need help with my makeup." I stated

"I will be there in ten minutes." Amanda said.

———-*in a horrible French accent* ten minutes later. ———

I heard banging on the front door. I heard Anna open it. "Oh! Hi Amanda, it's a little early for you to be here." Anna stated.

"I know Aunt Anna, but Kayla has summoned me here to help her get ready." Amanda explained. Anna smiled at Amanda.

"Okay, she is upstairs in the old guest room." Anna said and Amanda nodded but she saw me poking my head out. She saw me and smiled.

"Hey Kayla, let's go get ready." Amanda stated and pulled me back into my room. "So, did Eric ever talk to you again?"

"Yeah, he wasn't mad at me, He was just surprised by my new look." I explained and Amanda smiled at me. It was a smile full of knowledge, like she knew something I didn't. "Amanda, do you know something I don't?"

"No, just I ship it." She stated.

"Ship what?" I questioned.

"You and Eric, your ship name would be Erla." Amanda said.

"He would never date me anyway." I stated and looked Amanda in the eye. She looked right back into my eyes.

"Kayla, stop. Eric would be dumb not to date you." Amanda said. I smiled and went to the bathroom. I got dressed and walked back out to Amanda. She smiled and led me to a stool. "Sit." she commanded and I sat down. We sat there and she did my hair and makeup for about three hours. "Done, go look in the mirror." I got up and walked up to the full body mirror.

I saw my makeup and gasped. I looked completely different, my hair was straightened and framed my face. I had on a green corset top with black jeans and a black leather jacket.

"Amanda I don't have any good shoes." I said in a panic.

"I remembered we forgot to go shoe shopping so I bought you these." She said and handed be black high heels. I looked in the mirror and the look was complete. "Are you ready for your party?" Amanda asked.

"Definitely." I said.


So i was thinking about giving Amanda a love interest. I need some help developing her character though. So if anyone reading this has any ideas don't be afraid to message me.

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