• ° Thirteen ° •

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3 long days.
3 longer nightmare fueled nights.

Filled with the echos of those days, the sounds burned into my brain. The shrill of her gut wrenching cries. 
They kept drugging me to prevent me from staying by her side. Waking up fighting to be able to get to her. Only in the room beside me I could hear her cries and screams for hours on end through the rice paper thin walls. As if my soul called to hers just being apart from her clawed at my rage as I itched to just be by her. Even if she hated me. Even if she resented everything and everyone. I didnt know what was worse that or having to watch as the Club was consumed by what had happened.

Spike had done what he wanted, he had destroyed us. The darkness began to consume them all even the deliveries upon deliveries of flowers filling her room throughout the days. But she was far to drugged up to function.

"Enough, no more fucking flowers!" Bear snapped from the hall, pacing as if he was caged. Rosie quickly rushed and shoed them away. No doubt the 20 reminds already to much.
From the pilice we had paid off to the locals we gave protection too. Everyone was on edge and Rosie was the pillar keeping the Club from crumbling in this moment. Bear was barely functional, mentally where I was incapacitated physically, broken eye socket, broken nose, 5 broken fingers, 1 dislocated shoulder, 1 broken arm, 1 broken collarbone, 3 cracked ribs, A torn miniscus and a dislocated ankle. Lacerated liver and my spleen was to be monitored.
But that was all child play compared to the shopping list of injuries Nyla had.
The moment the doctors briefed Bear and Rosie I worried venegence would consume him.
The leader of us all paled to a horrifying shade of green as they listed her injuries. She had a fractured eye socket and cheekbone, broken nose, split lip that needed 4 stitches, laceration on her scalp which needed 32 stitches, broken arm in 2 places, broken wrists, broken collarbone, dislocated shoulder, bone bruising on her hips, ruptured spleen, 6 broken ribs, damaged ligaments in her knees, 1 punctured lung, lacerated liver, her spleen and appendix needed to be removed from the repeated kicks.  Cigarette burns on her thighs, 87 internal stitches in her...lady area. And the worst part of it all her birthcontrol had been dislodged and was ineffective and had to be removed so it was now a waiting game. A terrifying wait to hear if she was pregnant from the rape. And ontop of everhthing else he had branded us both with a iron rod and craved his name into the pale skin of her ribs below her heart.

My gut churned. Not that I looked at her differently, but that I wished to take her pain away.
I knew when she was told it would make everything a thousand times worse, I wish i could take the pain from her. Mine was nothing compared to hers.

Quiet whimpers pulled me from my fight fight to keep conscious and my eyes landed on Rosie who was sitting quiet in the seat at my bedside as she worried her teeth along her nailbed.
Stress written all over her face as her eyes looked off into space.

"R-Rosie" I croaked softly, the medication had given me the worst cotton mouth imaginable.
Her eyes shot up and she sneakily reached for the plastic jug on the end table, no words required before she held the straw to my lips and let me take a sip. The paper straw feeling soggy almost instantly. A gentle sad smile brushing her face as she fussed over the scruff growing on my face. Mother hen to all of us. Her soft blonde hair fell out of its bun in frazzled pieces. As much as she hide it she was grappling with a sea of emotions like the rest of us.

"You should go home and rest" I said hoarsely, her lips pressed together before she sat on the edge of the bed

"I cant leave. Not when Ny needs me most"

"Ny-" i stopped myself shaking my head as emotions made my voice crack "I will protect her"

"Its not about protecting her...its about supporting her and I can do that"

"I can support her, I was there. I can do this-" I fume.

Rosie hushed me gently "Sweetie, I know you can. I can see you want to be there for her, I'm not saying don't because even Bear wouldn't be able to stop you but when Nyla wakes up she will fight, even when she tells us to let her go. She will fight Bear, she will fight me, she will fight everyone and anything and most of all she will fight herself more than anyone else. Nyla is a fighter, as much as she fights me I still love her as if she was my own daughter because she is my own and only daughter And I also know the guilt and shame will consume her. I know the pain she is in and I can help her. As much as she fights me tooth and nail, I will be there. So will you. But for the moment you need rest so let me fuss because I know, and I can help all of you"

Silence surrounded me as I looked into Rosies sea blue eyes. She knew. With a squeeze of my hand and a gentle smile I knew that Rosie had gone through a similar ordeal but she was here.
Rosie had been assaulted. Raped.
She will help.
Because she knew. Without saying it in as many words I knew also.

"How do I help her?" I sighed looking down at my battered hands. I felt useless now and I wasnt sure how to even help her. How could I protect her in this state and when I didnt even have the faintest idea of how to fix it in the firse place. The start was easy...step one, Kill Spike. And then what? She has to live with the way he has left her for the rest of her life. The trauma, the memories?
How do I make it okay? How does she come back from this. So many question rattled around with the horror etched into my brain.

"Just be you. You both have gone through something noone else will ever understand. Your soul sees hers as much as she sees yours. Listen to whats in here" Rosie gently places her hand over my heart, the steady repeating beat thumping against her hand "You pushed back when she pushed you away from the start because you knew there was more to her than she wanted to show. Do that. Be her person because you've been that from the start. Fight for her as much as she fighting everyone else. Fight for her. So rest up because you'll need it"



What do you think?

Rosie is a kind soul, trying to hold everything together with popsicles and a hot glue gun. I mean shes trying right. Bear is angry, the club has shellshock and Aces is mirroring Ny a bit there fighting everything tooth and nail.

Next Chapter Nyla will be awake!!

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