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After a while of small talk and silence due to Yon just being uneasy with someone seeing the two of them, the food arrived causing Yon's eyes to widen at the site of all the glorious food. She didn't even realize how hungry she had been from working all day till now, she licked ger lips thanking the waitress along with Shownu before then thanking him for the meal quickly picking up her chopsticks. Shownu did the same of course while watching Yon pick at the food quickly stuffing it into her mouth like she had been starving for years. She had been eating properly but not amazing meals like this, this was food fit for kings she thought as she continued to shovel food into her mouth while Shownu did the same but slower then what she was, smiling as he watched her eat.

She realized how she was acting and quickly covered her mouth bowing her head, "sorry I'm being so rude." She mumbled finishing the mouthful of food she had in her mouth looking at him, "no it's okay, it's good to have someone who can eat as much as me." He gave her a reassuring smile causing her to blush slight placing more food into her mouth smiling to herself because of how amazing the food was.


During the meal they managed to talk more, mainly about food work and music. They seemed to get along well as they continued to talk, Yon was into a lot of music he was into as well as the same foods. The conversation was more delightful then what Yon thought is, tho soon the food had all disappeared leaving the two full and satisfied patting their stomach.

"That was amazing" Yon spoke up smiling happily as she let out a small laugh, causing Shownu to smile as well seeing how much more relaxed she was talking to him. Shownu of course payed for the meal and the two of them headed outside into the cold air, Yon quickly putting her hat back on and looking up at Shownu who gave he a warm smile causing her to blush unintentionally. "T-thank you for meal again" she said looking away from him as he gave her a small nod "it was nice to have someone other then the guys to talk too during a meal." He told her causing her to giggled softly as she then pulled out her phone to check the time, "well I should be off."

"I'll take you home" he offered her seeing how late it was and how some people can't be trusted when seeing a young lady such as herself wondering the streets at night. She shook her head, "I don't live far from here, besides you have a photo shoot tomorrow for the upcoming album. You need to get home" she gave him a smile that seemed to cause him to melt in some way, just simply nodding even tho he wanted to insist on taking her home. She gave him a bow and a small wave before jogging off  slowly away from where he stood just watching he until she was out of site.


Yon moved her way around the other staff members carrying equipment for the photographers and managers of Monsta X, slowly placing it down next to one of the photographers as they were speaking to the members of the group before telling one of them to get in position while the others wait to the side.
"Those must be heavy" Yon looked up to see Wonho smiling at her widely as she stood up straight from putting the equipment down, "not really." She shrugged as he continued to smile at her mischievously as she adjusted her cap. "I heard the dinner went well" he hummed as she looked at him giving him a small innocent nod not sure what he was implementing, "stop bothering Yon, Wonho."
Yon looked over her shoulder to see none other then Shownu himself towering over her as usually while giving Wonho a look that sent him running off, snickering to himself. "Sorry about him" Shownu bowed while Yon turned herslf to face him properly, "it's alright, he wasn't bothering me." She reassured him as he stood up looking down at her for a moment causing her to tilt her head at what was on his mind. He then reached up talking her cap off of her head causing her to jump slightly as a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, "you face looks nicer when it's not hidden by the hat." He told her before turning on his heels and strolling away from her along with her hat in his hand leaving her stuned as well as flushed at the comment he made causing her to cup her cheeks stuck in her own little world. Until she was being yelled for to move more stuff.


Due to the small heart racing interaction Shownu and Yon had a couple of days before hand, Yon found herself doing everything to avoid interacting with Shownu, going out of her way to hide from him as much as possible. Such things always leave Yon feeling flustered and she didn't want to be a flustered mess while interacting with the idol so it was best for her to just avoid him, well that's what she thought anyway. Yon was placing boxs of equipment into the back of one of the managers cars when she felt someone touch her on the shoulder sending her 10 feet into the air from fright as she turned around to see it was Jooheon smiling at her with one of his goofy smiles causing her heart to slowly down as it was about to go flying out her chest. "Sorry if I scared you, I need you help with something, can you come with me?" He ask in a somewhat of a childish voice as Yon nodded closing the back of the managers car before heading off with him. "Sure I can help? Shouldn't you ask one of the managers?" She asked unsure of what he could possibly need her help for since she wasn't anyone important like their managers. "Trust me you are the only one that can help" he told her leaving her a bit confused as he opened the door to a storage room gesturing to go in for him. Of course she thought nothing of it walking inside only to have him close the door behind her instead of going in with her. "What are you doing?!" She cried out, banging on the door as she hear the sound of something locking causing her to yell out for him more, and as if things couldn't get any worse it seemed the power when out in the whole building leaving Yon surrounded by darkness as she heared people running around to try and fix the power outage.

"This isn't funny" she managed to say as he legs started to tremble, she always hated being locked in places without a way out, worse feeling ever in the world for her, she thought as she tried to use the handle of the door only to find it wouldn't budge. She began to bang on the door hoping that Jooheon had enough brain cells to let her out now since it was no longer funny, heck it wasn't even funny to start with.

Due to her panic she hadn't even noticed there was someone else in the room with her, his hand reached out to touch her shoulder as she then fell to her knees screaming at the top of her lungs out of fright. "Yon! Yon it's me!" He scream came to an end as she looked up to see Shownu kneeling down to her holding up his phone to use his light to see her. Her eyes has small droplets of tears forming from the fright she had just gotten leaving Shownu in shook as he looked at her, "I didn't mean to scare you Yon, are you okay?" He asked as the tears started to run down her cheeks as his phone light lite up the both of their faces. She sniffled softly, more relieved then frightened now that she saw Shownu and her tears were now falling out of pure relief as she rubbed her eyes.
"You idiot" she muttered hitting his chest even tjo it honestly had no effect on him what so ever as he continued to look at her quickly placeing his phone down. "I'm sorry" he whispered softly taking hold of Yon's had that was rubbing her eye and gently whipping her tears away with the other. Yon snifftled more as he continued to whip her face ride of the tears gently cupping her face within his hands as she looked up at him frowning.

"Are you alright now?" He asked her as she humphed at him in response, angry at the whole situation she was in. "This was the only way to talk to you with out you running away, the power outage was not part of it trust me" he told her as she looked away from him pulling her head from his hands as he sighed softly. "I can't figure out what I did wrong for you to avoid me" his voice was soft leaving Yon taken back by his words as she looked back at him again examining his face with the help of what little light his phone had to offer, his expression was truly saddened at the fact she was avoiding leaving her feeling guilty. Maybe she was being a bit overdramatic with avoiding him, but it's just been so long since a guy had complimented her that she panicked.
"You didn't do anything wrong, I just freaked out when you complimented me that day..." she mumbled finally coming clean as he listen to her carefully thinking back to when he complimented her which caused a slight tint of pink to find its way to his cheeks. Thank goodness for the terrible lighting she couldn't see.

"I'm sorry that I made you uncomfortable" he apologized lowering his head causing her to shake her head, "no of course not, I just got shy and flustered that's  all it wasn't because of you making me uncomfortable." She reassured him as he lifted his head back up to look at her face again, their eyes meeting and locking onto one another. "I made you flustered?" He asked, his deep voice ringing with a hint of joy at the thought of her feeling such a way because of him, "I mean, yeah, but you are a very attractive male not to mention very talented so-"

"You think I'm attractive" he said cutting her offas she tried to cover up the fact she was getting flustered all over again. "You are a very cool guy, plus you're nice to talk to, I mean, so like-" she fumbled over her words as he seemed to lean in closer leaving her even more lost for word until the lights started to flicker back on along with the door flying open to reveal Jooheon and I.M.

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