Hearts Desire

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Yon's eyes closed shut tightly as she tried to get her thoughts in order as to why he had her in such a position, he didn't seem like the type of guy to take advantage of a woman even tho he could easily do so with how much more stronger and bigger he was compared to her. No, let's be real, she thought, he wouldn't even consider doing anything so someone as boring and ordinary as she was. She tensed up slightly as she felt a hand brush against her cheek sending shivers up her spine and he moved the collar of the jumper to the side to reveal her neck more. Shownu was as cool as a cucumber as he did so not even hesitating with any of his actions at the moment, "you have three little moles above your collar bone" he muttered causing her eyes to shoot open quickly as sje noticed him staring at her moles causing her to blush embarrassed by them. That's it? That's what he wanted to do? She thought giving him a confused look as he looked back at her with a innocent smile causing her heart to skip a beat. "You will be the end of me..." she grumbled shaking her head as he gently tipped her chin upwards tawords his face more. "I want to see all your marks as well as leave my own" his voice was deep and he could not have said something anymore straight forward with a cool and calm expression on his face. She blinked a few times as she took in what he said before squirming her way out from underneath him and onto the other side of the room away from him. Her heart was beating extremely fast as he stood up straight from the bed rubbing the back of his head. "Maybe I didn't say it right like Changkyun said to..." he said as he thought to himself while Yon try to get herself together, why would he say something that Changkyun said to? She thought making her way out of the room quickly to hide in the bathroom away from him.


It had been a week since that heart racing encounter with Shownu, and Yon hadn't stop thinking about it for a moment. He would always find a way to cross her mind with out even seeing him, but when she started back at work it became even harder for her to ignore how her heart would race just seeing him from across the room or just hearing his name. She growned softly slapping her cheeks in front of the mirror in the ladies room at the interview building her and the other staff members attended along with Monsta X to insure everything was perfect for their interview. She flinched hearing two other female staff members enter gossiping and giggling, "who new Shownu had a crush." One of them said as the other snickered, "can't believe he would say something so openly in the interview, I wonder who the lucky lady is."

"Not you" they both laughed picking on each other before separately entering the stalls. Yon felt her heart sink hearing the two of them, she looked herself up and down in the mirror before darting her eyes to the scrunchy she was wearing that he gave her. Was all that stuff just a funny joke to play on me? The asked herself as she exited the bathroom with a sorrowful look on her face, she slowly made her way back to the other staff members, helping them pack everything up only to have one of them accidentally knock a light over in her direction. "Look out!" The staff member yelled as the light fell directly onto Yon's arm, the hot bulb burning her skin instantly before finally hitting the floor sending glass everywhere.
Yon let out a whimper as she held her arm attempting to stop the pain. "Yon!" She looked up to see that all of the staff members along with the members of Monsta X came rushing over to see if she was alright. "I-It's fine.." she muttered through clenched teeth
as she continued to cover her arm, to scared to even look herself. She felt an all too fimilar hand place it's self gently on her shoulder, "Yon let us look" she looked up to see it was none other then Shownu with a very upset and worrisome look on his face. He gently moved her good arm out the way to reveal a very large and fresh burn beginning to swell up on her arm causing the other people around them to gasp before someone rush to go get first add. "its fine real-" before she could finish she felt herself feeling light headed as she saw how bad is was, passing out from the sight of the wound. She was never good with pain or blood, Shownu caught her in time before she could hit the ground, an unhappy and worried look leaving the others around him just as concerned.


Yon groaned softly as she attempted to move only to feel a throbbing pain shoot up hee arm. "She's waking up!" She heared a familiar sweet voice say as she slowly began to open her eyes. She saw both Ji and Jooheon standing  beside her bed with looks of relief, "where...?" She looked around to see she was back in the apartment along with what looked like a doctor. "You passed out, lucky for you, your arm will be alright in a few weeks" the doctor said as he was putting away medical supplies. Yon slowly sat up only to have Ji assist her, "don't worry hun, just take it easy." Ji told her as Yon tensed up from the burning pain she was feeling, "the painkillers will be wearing off soon, hopefully that young man gets back soon with the-"

The doctor was cut off by the bedroom door swinging open to a very flustered and worried Shownu with a shopping bag, "you're awake" he managed to barely say as he rushed over to Yon's side. "Hyunwoo" Yon said softly looking up at him, queuing for Ji to drag bothe the doctor and Jooheon out of the room, "I'm sure nurse Shownu can take care of her  now" Ji told them since the doctor already went over how to care for her wound with shownu while  she was alseep.
The room fell silent before Shownu cleared his throat sitting on the bed pulling out the painkillers from the shopping bag, "here" he mumbled handing her the two pills along with a water bottle he puleld out from the bag as well. She reached out slowly taking the pills with her good arm and placing them in her mouth before taking the water bottle which he had opened for her. She swolled the pills quickly before Shownu took the bottle of water from her placing it on the side table.

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