Stronger then Expected

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Yon looked up at him as he stared back down at her with his usually straight face stoic look causing her to avert her eyes from him.
"I've been debating if I should get a hair cut it's gotten longer since I started working," she mumbled fiddling with a strand of her hair. "I think it looked nice back then but it looks nice like this aswell," Shownu stepped closer to her while she swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, "you wouldn't have seen me-"

"I noticed your the very frist day you started working" he cut her off quickly as she stared at him with wide eyes. "I must have done something pretty clumsy for you to notice me" she said trying to laugh it off with a small chuckly looking away from him, only to have his hand gently lift her chin back up to look him in the eyes again. "The only thing you did was take my breath away" his words were quick but he said it in such a gently whisper as she let out a uneasy laugh as she felt her heart speed up trying to beat its way out of her chest. She pulled her face from his hand taking a step to the side trying to gather her thoughts as her face started turning red, "shouldn't say things like that, will give people the wrong idea." Yon fiddled with her hair tie heading for the door only to have Shownu stop her by gently pulling her into a hug from behind. She seemed to feet so perfectly in his arms as she felt his chest rising and falling against her back causing her face to heat up more and more as he continued to hold her.

"I want you to talk to me, when you have a problem, or anything really" he said his voice rumbling in his chest causing her heart to speed up again just after she had calmed it down. The care in his words warmed her whole body with goosebumps as she closed her eyes tightly, she can't really remeber the last time anyone had been concered about her, especially after her parents died. "I....I'm just so tired" she mumbled softly while he loosened his hug slightly causing her to turn around to him, hidding her face in his chest quickly to avoid him seeing her bright red face. She felt even tho she didn't talk to him he was able to understand just by being there, after her parents died she had to look after herself since she was old enough to, quitting her studies to work and suppor herself the stress of working on top of just losing her parents was becoming to much at this point and to lose her apartment seems to have just been the last straw. Her tears started falling again as Shownu held her close, rubbing her back gently while resting his chin on the top of her head. Her sobs were soft as he soothed her, "you don't need to tell me anything, just know I'm here okay?" He muttered  gently while swaying himself gently as well as Yon. Her sobs  grew quieter while he continued to hold her, once again she found herself needing as well as wanting to stay in his arms, they felt safe and caring even tho she mew it was a bad idea to get even slightly comfortable with the idea or even the feeling of it.
"You should get some sleep, I'll tell the staff you're unwell and can't come in for the next couple of days alright?" Shownu gently pulled her away from his chest, brushing her hair out of her face with his thumb, "I can't take time off work, I have too-"

"You need to rest" he said with a firm tone while squishing her cheeks together in his hand causing her to laugh softly, "okay, okay" she said with and easy tone as he smiled a toothy smile.


Yon woke up early that morning unable to sleep, she was sad Shownu had to go last night but he had too. She managed to get herself dressed after using the shower down the hall from the room she was using. Ji gave her some of her clothes to wear that were not her usual style, Ji had given her a very expencive summer dress to wear while she washed her work clothes, Ji said it was a dress her brother got her even tho he knows she was never going to wear it.
Yon made her way out into the living area to see a half asleep Jooheon sipping on a cup of coffee while Ji was in the kitchen cooking up what look like eggs, "sorry did we wake you?" Ji asked pulling out two plates before serving up eggs for all of them. "No, no I just couldn't seem to sleep much" she reassured them smiling happily while Ji placed the plates of egg on the dinning table. "Please have a seat and eat up, you look like you need it" Ji gave her a smile before making her way over to Jooheon giving him a kiss on the forehead. He gave a sleepy smile while she pinched his cheek waking him up more, "come one you need to eat too." Ji told him as they all made their way to the table to eat.

All three of them ate happily while making small talk over the meal, Ji told Yon she could stay however long she wanted no matter what. Ji had thanked her before both hee and Jooheon had to leave for there busy day of work leaving Yon alone in the appartment. She picked up the dirty cups and plates and decided to do the dishes since it was the lest she could do after. She found herself wondering around the house for most of the day, unable to just sit and rest after losing everything she had owned. She borrowed a charger from Ji for her phone since it had died quickly placeing it on charge while she made her way over to the couch sitting down slowly.
She turned on the tv and began flicking through the channels attempting to destract herself. After an hour of channel surfing she heard the front door open and close causing her to stand up quickly. "I did the dishes while you were-" Yon paused seeing that it wasn't Ji but instead was Shownu carrying bags of what looked like clothes in his hands.

"Sorry I thought you were Ji" she laughed softly while Shownu looked at her wide eye seeing her standing so tall and bright in the summer dress Ji had given her, her hair was down and brushed behind her ears nicely revealing her rosie cheeks. She noticed him staring quickly clearing her throat and walking up to him taking some of the bags from his hand to help him. "What are all these?" She asked placing the bags on the dinning table, Shownu snapped out of his daze placing the rest of the bags on the table as well.
"I got you some new clothes" he said quietly while Yon looked at him surprised.

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