Writers Block 🤦🏾‍♀️

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Hey guys ik yall was prolly expecting an update but I attempted to do an update and I cant come up with anything good for the next chapter. I even reread wat I wrote n still cant figure nun out. So for this part I wanted to do sum.

I wanted to explain to yall each of the characters and the way things r going on in the story.

Jaylen: in her view shes always been bullied bc she was skinny, sum I'm sure ppl including me, can understand. Her older brother always told her they could hang out but wen the time came he bailed on her, tellin her that he couldn't do it no more. She had only one best friend, Carmen. She was part of the gang Jhacari was in. On her last day she had enough of all the bullying so she wanted to end her life but Nasir stopped her.

Jhacari: Jhacari ain't the typa brother to bail on his lil sister jus bc. He ran a gang, Black Stallions, and was often really busy. So he wanted to hang out with Jaylen but sum abt the gang always came up.

Now that y'all know more about Jaylens and Jhacari's relationship I jus hope it's not confusing bc I almost confused myself while rereading it 😭

Like I said I have a bad case of writers block so if yall have any ideas possible please tell me them bc I have no idea wat else to do next. Ik that makes me a terrible author but I can't help it.

So what yall think should happen next?

Also I was thinking that maybe I could do an all about me chapter. One chapter that's all abt me so y'all could get to kno me some more.

So should I do that?

I love you guys and thank yall so much 4 ur support especially the ones that were there since day 1 😘

I'm just a lil stressed but love y'all. 


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